Friday 24 December 2021

They Take Disrespect Seriously In Texas...

A district court judge in Texas was punched and then accidentally tased when he tried to help subdue an unruly defendant who reportedly attacked a bailiff and the prosecutor after he was denied bond, witnesses say.

Hey, at least he didn't sit there impotently, like our judges would have! 

Catarineau addressed the judge disrespectfully and when the female bailiff tried to take him into custody, Catarineau grabbed the bailiff's hair, took her to the ground and began punching her, according to prosecutor Jacob Salinas.
'He was just wailing on her, so I tried to jump in,' Salinas said.
Lacayo came down from his bench and tried to help subdue the defendant, and both traded punches with Catarineau, he said.

Pity it's not televised, like so many US court cases. What was this idiot charged with, anyway? 

He ran into legal trouble after filing a $37 million lien against American Airlines, where he claimed he provided labor, services and materials on 50 airplanes.
However, as a pilot, Catarineau would not have done labor or services for any aircrafts. Several months later, he filed another baseless lien, this time citing services on dozens of other airplanes.
He proclaimed himself a 'sovereign citizen' who did not have to pay federal income tax.

Ah. One of those.  

He now likely faces three counts of assault on a public servant and remains behind bars at the Harris County jail, said senior Harris County prosecutor Sean Teare.

Out here, he'd probably be on bail.  


  1. "Out here, he'd probably be on bail. "

    From what I've heard of the USA "justice" system, and before reading the Mail article, my immediate reaction to that line was if he'd been black he'd be out on bail.

  2. And by the way, does anybody remember when court security was entrusted to big, burly men who would discourage people from attacking them just by their size? But women can do the job just as well, obviously.

  3. It seems that in Texas, Justice can be seen to be done!

  4. " immediate reaction to that line was if he'd been black he'd be out on bail."


    "And by the way, does anybody remember when court security was entrusted to big, burly men who would discourage people from attacking them just by their size? But women can do the job just as well, obviously."

    Yes, early US televised court cases seem to have sourced their staff from central casting!

    "It seems that in Texas, Justice can be seen to be done!"

    Not for nothing is it my favourite state.
