Monday 13 December 2021

UK Police Farces: "We Surrender!"

Britain’s most senior police leaders are considering making a public admission that their forces are institutionally racist, the Guardian has learned.
High-level discussions began on Thursday and come as their special adviser on race says the declaration is needed if promises of radical reform are to be believed by black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities.

Because they all think alike..? 

Policing has been engulfed in a race crisis with a series of controversies over stop and search and use of force, leaving black people’s confidence lower than white people’s.

Why would that be, exactly? Who do they think weapons like these are going to be used on, if not other black people - mainly teenagers? 

Last year the Metropolitan police commissioner, Cressida Dick, denied policing was institutionally racist, telling MPs it was “not a label I find helpful”. She said: “I don’t think we’re collectively failing. I don’t think [racism] is a massive systemic problem, I don’t think it’s institutionalised, and more to the point I think we have come such a very, very, very long way.”
Damn you to hell, Abimbola Johnson, for making me agree with The Dick, of all people...


  1. I'm still puzzling over Cressida's "There's a rainbow at the end of a very, very, very long rainbow."

  2. Far more productive for the senior Plod leaders to admit that their forces were now institutionally finished.
    Then we could bin the lot of them, start again from Ground Zero, put Jacob Rees-Mogg in charge of re-establishing the Robert Peel Police and make sure none of the later types ever get to positions of influence in it. It couldn't be any worse.

  3. An end to this insane public 'service' is in sight. The final windfalls are coming, Jaded. Don't forget to add your obligatory whiplash injury claim, plus every other contrived payout a corrupt Union can devise on your behalf.

  4. If they employ a special adviser on race how can they not be racist? Even if they weren't, the special advisor isn't going to admit that obviously.
    If black people’s confidence is lower than white people’s it must be very low indeed.

  5. The Chinese, Far Easterns, Indians and mid- Easterns very sensibly keep out of this farce.
    Yes, they get fewer parts in telly ads and dramas and not much chances of promotion in tax payer funded organisations, but they do all right.

  6. Every time one of these over prompted buffoons opens his or her mouth it makes life harder for us foot soldiers.
    To get to chief constable rank you have to be extremely intelligent, but they just lack common sense and are totally out of touch with reality. It will get worse once the direct entry people start climbing the ladder, at least the chiefs now were once fleetingly a street officer.

  7. Racist was a minor blip on our society in the 1990s. Most people couldn't care less about race or colour.

    Then along came +ve discrimination where racism was not only accepted but encouraged as long as it was against white people and then racism was back. Now white people are retaliating and all of a sudden it is because we are Nazis.

    The interesting thing imo is how many firms have anti-discrimination policies that discriminate. It is OK to have quotas from black, gays, disabled and ignore highly skilled people for a skin colour.

    It is just crazy. All caused imo by crazy white women and their white male cucks.

    Sadly, I can only see it ending in violence.

  8. "I'm still puzzling over Cressida's "There's a rainbow at the end of a very, very, very long rainbow.""

    I must have missed that particular bon mot!

    "It couldn't be any worse."

    Ooh, if I've learned anything, it's that that's often wrong!

    "An end to this insane public 'service' is in sight."

    I wouldn't count any chickens yet..

    "If black people’s confidence is lower than white people’s it must be very low indeed."

    Good point!

    "The Chinese, Far Easterns, Indians and mid- Easterns very sensibly keep out of this farce."

    They have better things to do with their time.

    " It will get worse once the direct entry people start climbing the ladder..."

    If enough of them stick at it long enough, of course.

    "Sadly, I can only see it ending in violence."

    Rivers of blood, perchance..?
