Wednesday 19 January 2022

No, I'm Pretty Sure You'd Still Have Issues...

A mum-of-two who has been forced to sleep on the floor of her home for four years has been told by the council she won't be able to move for another five.

Has she outbred her living circumstance? Reader, what do you think? 

Ellie Riches, 35, lives in a studio flat that is so cramped, she's had to share a tiny bedroom with her children Nathaniel, 16 months, and Kenzie, five.


The three-room council home in Pimlico is so small that Ellie's partner hasn't been able to move in, and she and her children struggle to live or sleep.

Clearly, he visited plenty! 

But not only is the size of the property causing the family issues, it's also infested with mice.
"Every morning I have to get up and hoover the floors so they don’t get hold of mice poop."

You mean you wouldn't bother hoovering every day otherwise? 

Ellie said she cannot afford to rent privately, nor move out of Westminster because her whole family lives there, including her seriously-ill mum who she sometimes has to care for. She said: "No one seems to want to help. They just seem to think this is adequate.
"I have enough anxiety just going out. It's bad, but then I don't want to go back home.
"I would lose the majority of my issues if I had a bigger property."

I very much doubt that.  


  1. Not for the first time, a news report leaves this reader more bewildered than informed. I've never heard of a 'studio flat' that has any type of bedroom, never mind a 'tiny' one. Perhaps they do things differently up that London.

  2. "No one seems to want to help."

    Not even your whole family?

  3. She wouldn't have the majority of her issues if she'd had her legs stitched together - there's still time to avoid making it any worse.

  4. 'The world is your oyster' The State message to all recipients of Fat Slob grants.

  5. Rat traps and some serious de-cluttering might improve matters. Where's the rest of her family? Do they really want to know her? Is she going to squeeze-out another sproglet at the tax-payer's expense? Where is the male baby-maker in all of this?
    Why is the tapayer having to support such a (expletive deleted) slob?

  6. Most people in the UK can't afford to rent privately in Pimlico - the solution is don't live in Pimlico.
    If her Mum really needs her help she can move as well.

  7. "Perhaps they do things differently up that London."

    We are a law unto ourselves!

    "Not even your whole family?"

    Not even them, clearly!

    "She wouldn't have the majority of her issues if she'd had her legs stitched together..."

    We - the taxpayer - wouldn't, either!

    "'The world is your oyster' The State message to all recipients of Fat Slob grants."

    Sadly true.

    "Why is the tapayer having to support such a (expletive deleted) slob?"

    There must, surely, come a point where people say 'enough!' but obviously we haven't reached that yet...

    "Most people in the UK can't afford to rent privately in Pimlico - the solution is don't live in Pimlico.
    If her Mum really needs her help she can move as well."

    Well, quite! But changing your own circumstances to fit your means is never presented as an option for these people, is it?
