Thursday 20 January 2022

"What Do We Want?" "Equality!"

"When do we want it?" 

"Oooh, hang on a minute..."

Yes, that extraordinary exchange flooded Twitter with OUTRAGE! that the AA might not put ladies first. 

And as with any social media firestorm, when the boss waded in, in an attempt to pour some oil on the troubled waters (no doubt to the horrified stare of anyone the AA has employed as a media consultant) it didn't really go as he expected:

Ouch! I think I need more popcorn...


  1. "proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim"

    Well that's a precise legal definition!

    No assumption of innocence. No proof (just "show"). no statement of a what a legitimate aim might be...........

    Astonishing how much crass stupidity can be crammed into a single sentence.

    If you want to turn the legal system into victim reward scheme that's fine until somebody with more victim points than you comes along.

    I suppose one day, the AA and all other such organisations might just decide "fuck it, we can't operate in this clown world" and give up.....or just fill all post with "diversity" and render all law moot and pointless (unless we're there already).

    I suppose this is where infantilizing the population must inevitably lead.

  2. It seems to me that the call handler was following a script that required them to say that they are not allowed to discriminate on any of the protected characteristics, but in reality they would certainly have an order in which they would prioritise the call outs.
    I would suggest that to get the best response time, you say you are a pregnant woman with infants in the car, that is in a dangerous place and you are being watched by a bearded man in an unmarked white van. Or if you want to enjoy the view for a bit, say you are a mini-bus full of bitter and twisted 40-something year old blokes on their way home from the pub after a football match that your team just lost.

  3. "I suppose one day, the AA and all other such organisations might just decide "fuck it, we can't operate in this clown world" and give up....."

    Any organisation worth its salt would have decided that the first time it was approached to fall into line with some chancher's demand, wouldn't they?

    "It seems to me that the call handler was following a script that required them to say that they are not allowed to discriminate on any of the protected characteristics, but in reality they would certainly have an order in which they would prioritise the call outs."

    Oh, certainly! The AA have now thrown that call handler to the wolves and promised 'retraining' for the crime of showing them up.
