Tuesday 4 January 2022

"...we know there is an inextricable link between Class A drugs and... "

"...the Metropolitan Police making absolute arses of themselves on social media."
Footage posted to social media by the force showed officers walking through Shoreditch, which has seen a spike in incidents where women and girls have been made to feel unsafe, and swabbing revellers to ensure a safe 'night time economy'.

Wait, what? How many miscreants did this overblown operation bring to justice? 

The force revealed that the operation on the night saw one woman arrested on suspicion of possession of Class A drugs after she was observed disposing of a suspicious package.

Ha ha ha ha ha! 

Predictably, their efforts to justify themselves in the face of the huge backlash that they then faced from civil liberties groups made things even worse: 

A statement read: 'The video posted by the Met on social media was filmed in Shoreditch during a 'week of action' supporting women's safety between Monday, 6 and Sunday, 12 December 2021.
'The Chair of the local Independent Advisory Group was also invited and was present to observe the operation.
'The use of the machine was a condition of entry, that condition being agreed with the licensees for that night. Anyone who refused was not allowed entry to the venues on that night.
It was made clear to those wanting to attend the venues that the swabbing was voluntary.'

Are you an idiot, unnamed spokeperson? No wonder you didn't want your name on that! Some weren't so savvy... 

Chief Inspector Grace Blake-Turner, from the Met's Taskforce, said: 'Officers attended schools and universities to talk about topics such as consent.. '

Like consent to a random search by a police officer abusing their powers for likes on Facebook...? 


  1. Off topic but I know you like this kind of thing https://www.largsandmillportnews.com/news/19801582.largs-mum-issues-warning-fouling-online-fraudsters/

  2. What is this "spike " that they talk about.I hate it.Sloppy language.
    It is never defined.

  3. Despite the biased reporting of the Daily Mail it seems that the police only swabbed volunteers as they have no powers to force someone to do it
    Also by being outside a busy nightclub they are being visible to the public.
    This was an evidence gathering event for an officers promotion application. Any publicity is good publicity under those circumstances

  4. "...but I know you like this kind of thing"

    I do, I do! 'Trainee reporter', I note :D

    "Also by being outside a busy nightclub they are being visible to the public."

    Sometimes, you know, that's not actually a plus for them...
