Wednesday 5 January 2022

Why Does This Require 'An Investigation' In The First Place?

A Royal Parks Police spokesman said: “We’ve been dealing with a road traffic collision after the driver of a vehicle slowed to allow some geese to cross the road and a male on a bicycle collided into the rear of her vehicle and through the back window.
“The cyclist was taken to hospital, his injuries are not life threatening or life changing. The investigation is ongoing. Wishing the cyclist a speedy recovery.”

If I ran into the back of a fellow motorist, there'd be no investigation whatsoever; I'd be judged - rightly! - as at fault for tailgating. 

Why should it be different for cyclists? 


  1. Rather than wishing the careless cyclist a speedy recovery, I'm wishing the innocent car-driver a speedy recovery of any damages from the probably-uninsured cyclist. Good luck with that.

  2. Must've been going some for the cyclist to clear the boot of the car and smash through the rear window of the car! Riding without looking where he's going? Clear case of Riding without Due Care and Attention.

    I trust he will at least receive a fine, and no doubt his insurance will pay for repairs to the car.

  3. 'Sobvious, innit? They deserve special treatment 'cos they're saving the planet from us devil-worshipping polluters. You know, the ones who pay 86p per litre in tax and duty along with VED of hundreds per year so we have roads but don't have to dress in Lycra! Then there's the hundreds in insurance . . . which I would guess the cyclist didn't have.

  4. We must investigate things to find out what happened. An investigation looks at the facts and draws a conclusion. In this case the facts are clear and this investigation should have been over in less than a minute. It'll take much longer for her to pursue the damage claim for her car

  5. Will the cyclist's insurance pay for the damage to the car?

    No insurance? Oh dear, what a shame!

    (Serious point: all road users, regardless of vehicle type, should be insured against injury or damage to others.)

  6. Maybe the investigation is to find out which (if any) version of events is true. Was it "...the driver of a vehicle slowed to allow some geese to cross the road.." or "...the driver slammed on the brakes to allow geese to cross the road..."

    I.e. did she slow down gently as implied by the version you chose to quote or did she slow down violently as implied by the other version? I suppose it makes a difference.

    No geese were harmed in typing this reply.

  7. Unfortunately the hospital couldn't detect brain damage to the cyclist as he didn't appear to have much brain to start with.

  8. I think they investigate any accident where there is an injury, although this one shouldn't take too long to figure out
    You've seen them fannying about on motorways they've closed when someone has been injured. It takes them hours and the tailbacks go all the way to France
    The problem here is that the car may well be written off and the cyclist will not likely have to pay anything unless they have money and can be sued

  9. Julia, you're right: tailgating laws should be applied to the cyclist, and the bastard should also be charged with breaking & entering.

  10. Frank: if the driver ‘slammed on the brakes’ wouldn’t the airbags have deployed?

    Unless the car was driving backwards, the cyclist must have been going at a hell of a clip to go through the window. I’ve seen them sometimes, heads down and legs pumping like pistons.

  11. "...a speedy recovery of any damages from the probably-uninsured cyclist."

    Hopefully, the insurance company may decide to go after them? After all, they have to start earning their premiums sometime?

    "Must've been going some for the cyclist to clear the boot of the car and smash through the rear window of the car! "


    "Serious point: all road users, regardless of vehicle type, should be insured against injury or damage to others."


    "Maybe the investigation is to find out which (if any) version of events is true. "

    It doesn't really matter though, does it?

    Suppose a child had darted across the road? Should the motorist brake too gently and run them over, who'd be at fault?

    "...and the bastard should also be charged with breaking & entering."


    "Frank: if the driver ‘slammed on the brakes’ wouldn’t the airbags have deployed?"

    Surely they are only triggered by front end impact, not heavy braking?
