Wednesday 9 February 2022

Fixing The Loose Tile On The Roof...

...while the cellar is flooding with sewage:
In a new report published on Thursday (January 13), the Environmental Audit Committee said only 14 per cent of English rivers meet good ecological status.
It added that it has been tricky to get a complete overview of the health of rivers due to “outdated, underfunded and inadequate monitoring” and until the passing of the Environment Act last year, there had been a “lack of political will” to improve water quality.

But we have the 'greenest Tory government ever', don't we?  

It comes after an investigation by the Advertiser in December found that a company spilled raw sewage into sensitive streams in the northern Test Valley on more than 250 occasions in one year.

But never mind that, we've got to rip out all our gas boilers in a futile attempt to halt warble gloaming...  

H/T: i .r. jackson via email


  1. Are any of these polluters being named, shamed, and prosecuted? A little bit of boycotting by potential customers would concentrate their minds somewhat. Perhaps the fines could pay for replacing the outdated monitoring.

  2. when the river meets the sea....

    That should do wonders for tourism on the South coast

    I voted for Brexit, but at least under the old EC rules, the water cos had to keep the seas clean!

    Perhaps with the 'new, green' agenda, we'll all have to get used to this?

    Ian J

  3. We here in Swindon we pay a premium to upgrade London and we get

    The latest wheeze to reduce the number of burst pipes is to drop the water pressure

  4. @Penseivat
    sorry to be a pedant but customers have a choice of where they spend their money. Unlike electricity and telecoms, water supplies and council tax are monopoly situations and short of moving from a frying pan to a fire there's bugger all we can do about it!
    Moving on a little bit, what's the point of name and shame? All the water companies cut these corners.

  5. "Are any of these polluters being named, shamed, and prosecuted?"

    Apparently not, which is how you can tell nobody important really cares...

    "The latest wheeze to reduce the number of burst pipes is to drop the water pressure"

