Thursday 10 February 2022

Is The 'Shocking' Thing...

...the fact they are actually looking for one for once?
Police hunting a dangerous dog stumbled upon a shocking stash of drugs and weapons.

Surely there's nothing genuinely shocking about this? Break one law, you're likely to break more - aren't we always shown in those cop shows that stopping a speeder often results in more crimes being discovered? 

A spokesperson for West Midlands Police said no arrests had been made and enquiries were continuing.

How, exactly, can you discover drugs and yet not arrest anyone? 


  1. The dog is keeping schtum.
    And unless plod can find evidence of a breach of Covid lockdown rules or hurty words being uttered they may have to drop the case.

  2. And the going rate for a West Midlands tip-off, Jaded?

    Well...take an 'educatid' guess, then.

  3. Well It hinges on the word stumbled. Plod were pretending to look for a dog and came across some drugs and weapons in a bit of woodland or a public space. Strip of Ibuprofen and a BB gun and promotions all round.

  4. "And unless plod can find evidence of a breach of Covid lockdown rules or hurty words being uttered they may have to drop the case."

    Sadly, I fear you may be right...

    " Strip of Ibuprofen and a BB gun and promotions all round."

