Sunday 13 February 2022

I Think We Need To Ask 'Why'...

...don't we, 'Mail' headline writer?


  1. Too bad the little shit didn't die.

  2. Im 72 and i cycle anything from 10 to 50 miles a day, even in gales...The standard of driver skill has dropped over the last few decades and i,m reluctant to ride on A roads ,but in rural Scotland i can avoid them ,A lot of mothers would like to cycle with their children but the world as been given over to the car

  3. The anonymous contributor at 13.36 on 13 February 22 needs to take a long hard look at themselves.

  4. This is the typical attitude of the entitled pedal-scum, oh, now we're the lords of creation and everyone must bow before us as we deliberately hold everyone else up to show our power. Why was such a young girl allowed out on such an obviously busy road alone? The Landy driver obviously (and rightly) took great care avoiding her. Oh, and Bryan? Just fuck right off you entitled twat, most of us dont have the luxury of a leisurely pedal about, but have to drive to and from work on the roads WE paid for, with VED, fuel taxes, insurance levies etc., while you lycra clad parasites just ponce off us.

  5. These days we are all divided into pigeon holes, be it sex, race, religion, politics, the list goes on. There has long been conflict between cyclists and road and pavement users. Recent changes to the laws protecting both cyclists and pedestrians will result in further stoking the flames of division. While laws protecting this group or that look fine on paper, in practice they are often a recipe for disaster. Not everything needs to be codified into law, where good manners and consideration for others has sufficed. Accidents don't happen because of a lack of laws, they happen because of a lack of attention to to the art of rubbing along with our fellows.

    While we are all at each others throats the very people we should be opposing know that a united front against them will be impossible to form.

  6. "The standard of driver skill has dropped over the last few decades..."

    It has, yes. And that's not helped by allowing a section of road users to believe they have priority over everything, even the laws of physics.

    "Why was such a young girl allowed out on such an obviously busy road alone?"

    For 'fitness' I assume. No-one's too fit when the inevitable happens.

    "Recent changes to the laws protecting both cyclists and pedestrians will result in further stoking the flames of division."

    One might almost believe that's the idea...
