Monday 14 February 2022

Safety First...Six Weeks Later!

Indy, a Romanian rescue dog was seized by officers from Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Joint Protective Services yesterday (3 February) after reports she had bitten a child.

I should be applauding the police, yes? Well,  

Bedfordshire Police obtained a warrant to seize the dog on 23 December 2021 but only executed the warrant six-weeks later.


Claire says the officer who came to seize the dog told them this was “to get resources together”.


Bedfordshire Dog Unit gearing up for duty... 

What resources? If an animal is reported as 'dangerous', then surely that demands action immediately, not 'after we've finally finished the leftover turkey and all the Quality Streets no-one else likes'..? 

“The dog handlers were arrogant and intimidating, presenting themselves with catchpoles and when my mother asked if she could have support they denied it and the emphasis was on removing her by whatever means.”
“Today Indy cowered as they came in towards her. She showed not one ounce of aggression but they dragged her with their catchpole terrified and causing her to defecate and wet herself in fear.

And naturally, there's outrage on social media: 

We asked Bedfordshire Police about the incident and why the warrant took six weeks to be executed.

This'll be good! 

Peter Madden, the dangerous dog advisor for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Joint Protective Services, said: “At the scene we initially tried to get the dog into our van with the help of the owner, but unfortunately we were unable to do so, so had to use different tactics such as animal control poles.
“While we understand incidents like these can be distressing, we have to put people’s safety first while our investigation takes place.

Sure, sure, six weeks isn't too long to wait for 'safety', is it? 

“We have spoken with the owner this morning and provided an update, and will continue to keep them informed.
“The dog has been taken to private boarding kennels where it is being well looked after, and it will remain here while the case is being investigated.”

I note you didn't answer the most important question about why you sat on your arses for six weeks before turning up mob handed and putting on a show of force that was clearly totally unwarranted...

Updated: since writing and scheduling this post, Bedfordshire Police have realised the resultant bad publicity was something they couldn't afford.  


  1. 'Uniformed Twats'...lately, a repugnant jeer heard in West Yorkshire and used to describe the presence of 'plod'. My personal preference is for euphemisms that are much easier on the ears but I'm confident that Jaded's street vocabularly of collective nouns, includes even more lascivious versions of descriptive language for these Jobsworths.

  2. Six weeks? That's faster than they turn up for burglaries and other crimes.

  3. "Six weeks? That's faster than they turn up for burglaries and other crimes."

    Isn't it just? I wonder what the parents of the child said to prompt such a response...?
