Thursday 17 March 2022

I'm Trying Hard Not To Laugh...

A popular 'pay what you like' vegan restaurant chain will shut its doors for good after running out of cash.
...but I don't think I'm going to manage it!
Mr Fernando's restaurant chain asked customers to pay only what they thought a meal was worth or else they could pay it back through volunteering.

It appears they did, then... 

Several GoFundMe fundraising campaigns had been launched by community members determined not to let the beloved business collapse. One aimed at raising $400,000 made just $3435, but another created in December made more than $15,000.

Pass the vegan popcorn! 


  1. Tough cheddar.
    What's your beef?

    I'll stop while I am ahead.

  2. Some people don't seem to understand how the world works really. If the restaurant was popular, as the account states, then charging people the going rate for meals could have made it a success. Of course, it might well have been popular because tightwads were going there so that they could eat on the cheap.

    1. The old adage about socialists running out of other people's money.

      Hells teeth! I think for the first time we have an example where they run out of their own!

  3. Anyone remember 'The Great American Disaster' restaurant in Fulham Road, during the late 60s?

    It opened the same time as 'The Goat in Boots' Schooner Inn next door, which was the oddest, quirkiest pub you could imagine, and therefore forecast huge business!

    Sadly the queues outside the G.A.D. tended to block the entrance to the G.I.B., and was fabulously successful for ages!

  4. The free market is Darwinism in action, frankly. These people deserved to go under.

  5. "I'll stop while I am ahead."


    "Some people don't seem to understand how the world works really."

    And sadly, they are breeding!

    "Anyone remember 'The Great American Disaster' restaurant in Fulham Road, during the late 60s?"

    Fascinating story! And there's a YouTube video of it too.

    "I think for the first time we have an example where they run out of their own!"

    That's so rare!

    "These people deserved to go under."

    The markey doesn't care - it's impersonal, like evolution or the ocean.
