Thursday 17 March 2022

Hey Biden, If You're Looking For War Crimes...

...look no further:
...footage emerged of a group six Russian soldiers calling President Vladimir Putin a 'd**khead' on the orders of their Ukrainian captors and declaring they did not want to go to war after surrendering south of Chernihiv.
The group, lead by Major Viktor Blyudin, was a reconnaissance team located in the forest near to the town of Sribne in the southern part of Chernihiv oblast. They surrendered on March 14 to civilians in Sribne after learning that a neighbouring Russian cohort was killed, according to Sribnyanshchyna newspaper which posted a video of the soldiers on Facebook.
In the video, several of the soldiers can be heard repeating after their Ukrainian captors: 'Putin is a d**khead', before asking the people of Ukraine for forgiveness and telling their family and friends that they are being treated well.
Hmmm, what does the Geneva Convention say about the treatment of PoWs?
They are protected against any act of violence, as well as against intimidation, insults, and public curiosity.



  1. If someone tried to kill me the last thing that I would think of is the Geneva Convention in performing my response.

  2. Something does not sound right with that. There is far too much pretending about things and events just like there is on a film set, yet the MSM take it as true without investigation - for example have they proved the troops in the video are actual Russian and not some locals playing Russian soldiers.

  3. Ivan points out the illogic of their surrender. If they did so because other Russians had been executed, why would they hand themselves over to potential executioners? Just a quick glance around the journalistic sites on the web show that anything in the msm can not be trusted. It is a war, of sorts, and there is bound to be propoganda on both sides but I have an uncomfortable feeling that our leaders are not on the right side.

  4. I’ll just point out one fact:

    ‘All’ the media, for decades, has been continually and consistently lying. Those lies have, again consistently, been to attack and undermine ‘civilisation’ (and specifically ‘western civilisation’) – every aspect and institution of our countries, cultures and faith.

    They are ‘all’ left-wing, all marxist (varying only in degree), and all bought-and-paid-for sycophants of Russia and/or China.

    So? Why (in the blue blazes) would you even consider that they are ‘not’ doing exactly the same thing now?

    Is Ukraine a corrupt, amoral, gangster-ridden kleptocracy? Yes, but so is Russia (notice how so many corrupt Ukrainian politicians/businessmen run ‘home’ to mother Russia when found out?).

    We know ‘our’ politicians, media and oligarchs are aligned (with Russia and China and the globalist i.e. international socialists = communist) against us. So why would anyone (with more than one brain cell) assume any of what we are being told (by either side) is even vaguely related to the truth?

    Hint: The western media coverage is so over-the-top, patently, blatantly and farcically ‘questionable’ that everybody automatically assumes (rightly) it’s propaganda and (as intended) doubtful, as are any real truths that might accidentally leak out.

    Point: It is propaganda, but ‘for’ who? (remember just who they are biased for, and always have been)

    (Enough already with the Gell-Mann amnesia).

    [I just know someone, somewhere will chime in with “but Russia isn’t communist” so … I’m sure it’s purely coincidental that all it’s senior political, media and institutional leaders, all those ‘capitalist’ oligarchs are … all former senior party members in the Soviet Union. Maybe, just maybe ‘the collapse’ was nothing more than window dressing and it’s still the same people running Russia as always.

    At least Ukraine managed to partially get rid of some of them, including those installed by the west. Yet predictably the only ones being attacked by western media are those who were ‘not’ party members.]

  5. "If someone tried to kill me the last thing that I would think of is the Geneva Convention in performing my response."

    Which is why it's so important, no..?

    "Something does not sound right with that."

    Something I've said a lot lately, about 'reports' on the MSM and social media...

    "...but I have an uncomfortable feeling that our leaders are not on the right side."

    They haven't been on any other issue lately, have they?

    "Maybe, just maybe ‘the collapse’ was nothing more than window dressing and it’s still the same people running Russia as always."

    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...
