Wednesday 2 March 2022

Appropriately Named Club You Chose, Ladies...

Two young women have told how they 'blacked out' after being 'spiked' by a needle in a Stoke-on-Trent nightclub, before both ended up in A&E.
Elle Vickers, 18, and Ellen Baldwin, 19, believe they were injected with an unknown drug after arriving at Fiction nightclub at 1.30am on Saturday.


The friends have no recollection of what happened after 'blacking out' - but both woke to discover suspicious pin-prick marks on their skin. And, they claim their ordeal was made worse by NHS medics suggesting they had simply had too much to drink.

Gosh, who could think such a thing..? 

Staffordshire Police have now launched an invesigation. 'Officers are currently reviewing CCTV footage of the area at the time of the incident and ask anyone with information to get in touch.'

Like the bar staff? 

More than 1,300 reports of needle spiking have been made to police forces across Britain since September, MPs have heard - while one force warned a 'staggering' number of victims still do not report the crime.
Jason Harwin, the National Police Chiefs Council drugs lead, told the Home Affairs Committee last month that the 1,382 reports, made since September last year, represent a 'widespread' problem in the UK on a scale he has 'never seen before'.

Do they really? Colour me skeptical... 


  1. Why are the police making a big thing about this non-entity? Does everyone in the public eye need to manufacture their own crisis to try and remain relevant?

    Nobody injects a stranger with drugs, without them noticing, and walks away. It doesn't make any sense

  2. Yet another testing conundrum for Mr Plod. Any educatid guesses, Jaded?

  3. I have to give myself a regular injection and there is absolutely no way that someone would be able to inject you without you feeling it.

  4. Just like the Koro epidemic which struck Singapore when it was rumoured that eating pork was going to make a man's penis disappear into the body and cause death!

  5. Paralytic girls needing an excuse to tell their parents.

  6. "Does everyone in the public eye need to manufacture their own crisis to try and remain relevant?"

    Increasingly, I am beginning to believe so!

    "I have to give myself a regular injection and there is absolutely no way that someone would be able to inject you without you feeling it."

    Do you do it after 17 vodka and Cokes, though? 😁

    "Just like the Koro epidemic which struck Singapore ..."

    Ooh, I'd forgotten that one! 'Fortean Times' did a good article on it.

    "Paralytic girls needing an excuse to tell their parents."

    Spot on!
