Thursday 10 March 2022

Can 'The Reputation Of The Profession' Get Worse?

A children's therapist who 'violently' slapped a vulnerable four-year-old boy '10 to 20 times' because he did not put his shoes on and pretended to be asleep has been ruled fit to work again after 'addressing his failings' and 'reflecting' on the assault.
Yes, it's this individual.
A Health and Care Professions Tribunal Service (HCPTS) committee ruled: 'Mr Priess has taken steps [by] providing a reflective piece covering his insight, remorse and reflection on the impact of his actions on the reputation of the profession.

What about the impact on the victim - shouldn't that count for more? 

'The panel finds the (sic) Mr Preiss's fitness to practise is no longer impaired because he has addressed his failings, shown insight, and the public interest issues have been resolved.'

Shouldn't the public be asked that? 


  1. Rather reminds me of the case of Patton slapping 2 shell-shocked US soldiers in Sicily.

  2. If it had been a dog there would be a mob calling for his dismissal but because its a kid nobody cares. This is our society now. We are insane. It's time for a culling.

  3. If this cretin assaulted a child, he should have been prosecuted and, if found guilty, been given a criminal record. As I understand it, based on several years in a Police Child Protection unit, anyone with a record of assault, especially on children, can no longer be in charge of children. No doubt, the panel of morons would have allowed Harold Shipman to continue practising if he had shown remorse. Can these people be named and shamed? Perhaps they are also not fit for purpose?

  4. Penseivat, He was prosecuted and found guilt. He was suspended for a while but is now reinstated on the condition he does look after this child. Whoopie Do.

  5. "...the case of Patton slapping 2 shell-shocked US soldiers in Sicily."

    Can you imagine that happening now? I can't!

    " We are insane. It's time for a culling."

    Hard to disagree.

    "No doubt, the panel of morons would have allowed Harold Shipman to continue practising if he had shown remorse."

    You're probably right! Do you suppose they start out this way, or is insanity catching?
