Wednesday 9 March 2022

"Just Ignore Normal Human Behaviour And Act Like Robots, Citizens..."

"...that's what we do, after all."
Speaking yesterday, Chief Superintendent Andy Cox said detectives are doing 'everything they can to establish what happened'.
He added: 'This is an exceptionally sad incident, and one that we know will impact the local community, or indeed anyone hearing about it.
'There may be a temptation to speculate about what happened while people attempt to understand this tragedy, and we'd ask people to avoid doing so, particularly on social media where facts can become distorted.
'We will do everything we can to establish what has happened, and we'd like to thank everyone for their support.

If you really think people aren't going to wonder why a three month old baby was out in a wooded area after 11:00pm and somehow came into contact with a dangerous dog, then you know nothing of human nature. 

Nor can you stop people speculating on social media, any more than you can prevent them discussing it in the pub or the queue for the post office counter.  

The fact you think you can - and worse, should - makes me wonder if you're one of that new breed of police officers, full up on worthless degrees and qualifications and lacking in the basics.

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