Saturday 5 March 2022

Have The Progressives Given Up On Redemption, Then?

It is “shameful” that David Goodwillie was allowed to continue playing football after being found by a court to have committed rape, the woman he assaulted has said.

Cue 'the great and good' - in the shape of left-wing author Val McDermid and failed Prime Minister Gordon Brown - demanding the club drop him, which of course they cravenly did. He'd have been better off mistreating an animal in front of his child, clearly!

At a civil case at the court of session in Edinburgh in 2017, Goodwillie and his former Dundee United teammate, David Robertson, were judged to have raped Clair and ordered to pay her damages of £100,000.

Wait, a civil case? Where the balance of probability is lessened? Not a criminal case? 

No criminal charges have been brought against either of them.

Well, well, well... 

She told the Sunday Post newspaper: “It’s shameful they have allowed Goodwillie to continue playing all these years without taking any action. They are just as complicit as him and Robertson with their silence and looking the other way.”
She insisted: “It is not enough for the footballing authorities, the league, the SFA [Scottish Football Association] to stay silent on this. They talk so much about equality and respect but when faced with actual reality instead of waffle, their silence deafened me.
“There needs to be officials who do nothing but ensure players and clubs are properly made aware of their responsibilities. They should be developing educational programmes about sexual violence. Practical measures, not warm words about nothing, could promote real change.”

So do we not believe in redemption any more? Are some 'crimes' so heinous that someone should never work again? Even if they haven't actually been convicted of them?


  1. On the bright side, it sends a message to (Scottish) predators that dodging criminal proceedings isn't complete protection. Better to behave like gentlemen...

  2. 'Goodwillie'? Let's hope that the 'victim' was one of the Twatts from Shetland ...

  3. "Better to behave like gentlemen..."

    Sadly, those that most need to hear this message are, I suspect, deaf to it...

    "'Goodwillie'? Let's hope that the 'victim' was one of the Twatts from Shetland ..."

