Friday 4 March 2022

Your Choice, Lemmy, Stand Up For It...

A bar has been branded 'Britain's wokest pub' for refusing to sell a number of popular drinks for ethical reasons.
The Red Lion in Bristol revealed it will not serve Coca-Cola, Heineken, Polish lager Tyskie, Thatchers or Bacardi because of concerns over the brands' histories.

What's wrong with them?

Pub bosses there say the makers of Thatchers have links to Edward Colston and slavery; Coca-Cola has a history of the misuse of water in developing countries; and Heineken has been accused of unethical practices in Africa.

And the rest?

The Red Lion also won't stock Polish larger Tyskie after the company that owns it was linked to an anti-LGBTQ+ movement; and Bacardi has been linked with historical attacks in Cuba.

What do they serve, tap water? 

... landlord Lemmy is upset about the response to their decision, which was 'made purely on their ethics.'

Wait, what? 

'We have been labelled ''woke'' and all these weaponised words - which have made us feel pretty vulnerable.
'When we have taken the stance which we believe is ethical - we do not want to be made some kind of target. '

Awwww, diddums! This is how it works, wokie - you have your say, and then everyone has theirs. Don't like it? Shame!


  1. I recently found out that my favourite out of the hoyuse coffee - Costa - has been taken over by CocaCola. I'm left to wonder whether I'm black enough to buy it . . . No, don't suggest Sludgebucks - it's shit.

  2. Bristol. What a big surprise. Or rather not. A socialist shithole that I have the misfortune to have to visit on a regular basis. I just wish that where I needed to go wasn't in Bristol.

    As soon as you come in on the motorway and see the commie graffiti you get an inkling of how crap is the place and just off of one of the roundabouts there's billboards, probably paid for by the local taxpayer finger waggingly ordering the city's inmates not to be racist.

    It is a horrible socialist shithole that I don't even like having to park the car in. The problem is it will not get any better as it suffers from a similar problem to wht Brighton suffers from which is that every year there's a new cohort of middle class far left aligned students who vote for parties that make the area a shithole politically but move on and leave university before they can see the damage that their political choices have done. They can outvote the locals an never have to deal with the negative consequences of their political choices which is why Brighton elects a watermelon Green and why Bristol is such a socialist crap hole.

  3. Apparently, todays whisky industry has historic links to distilleries that once burnt non sustainable fuel. That's them out then. Meanwhile, I understand that 100 years ago brewery 'x' had no written policy on employment quotas of LGBwhatever people so that's them cancelled. It get's worse, only twenty years ago the potato crisp manufacturers used to pay people less than today's minimum wage!

  4. Dig deep enough and they will find something in most companies to disapprove of. I would rather boycott products from companies controlled by BlackRock and vanguard. Unfortunately that would mean going naked, hungry and thirsty.

  5. Nope, these guys really believe they are moral ubermensch, hence they get to cancel everybody else but Gaia forbid anyone criticise them.

    Basically, it's just the same old snobbery in sandals and tie-dye.

  6. Good luck with that business plan, Lemmy. As they say round these parts, go woke, go broke. (But then it is Bristol - they deserve each other).

  7. Will have to look out for Thatchers. Buy some in.

  8. Surely, if the landlord’s argument is followed to its natural conclusion, the entire city of Bristol should raze itself to the ground forthwith, the Red Lion included.

  9. So what if some business has a murky past, what does that have to do with the people who are running it and working there now? What exactly are they supposed to do to redeem themselves of sins that were committed before they were born?

  10. "I'm left to wonder whether I'm black enough to buy it . . ."


    I'll join you, Costa's my coffee brand of choice too - although Starbucks does the best iced coffee in summer.

    "Bristol. What a big surprise."

    It would have to be, wouldn't it? That, or Brighton!

    "...only twenty years ago the potato crisp manufacturers used to pay people less than today's minimum wage!"

    I think we're going to starve if these people have their way! 😁

    "Basically, it's just the same old snobbery in sandals and tie-dye."

    Spot on!

    "Will have to look out for Thatchers. Buy some in."


    "...the entire city of Bristol should raze itself to the ground forthwith..."

    It'd be a good start!
