Friday 4 March 2022

Now You Know How It Feels...

Traveller James Golby said: "We had women and children crying. We were woken up at 7am. We had no notice, they just arrived and started smashing fences up. My four-year-old was hiding under her pillow."

No, law-abiding people get no notice when travellers rock up either - not nice, is it? 

The travellers bought the land in 2020 and say they applied for planning permission to live there, but the application wasn't accepted by Medway Council.

And the council isn't - for once - hanging about! 

But there's always one, isn't there? 

One local woman posted online: "Why can’t they stay they are doing no harm where they are I live just down the road and can see no reason why they can’t make their permanent home there it’s their land they should be able to build what they want on it."

Can you..? Without regard to planning laws? 

No. So why should they? 


  1. Good to see some decisive action being taken for once

    "Travellers fear they will end up with nowhere to go"

    They could, erm, travel?

  2. I thought that one of the benefits of Brexit with the Southern Irish staying in the EU was that we might just be able to tell Oirish Trivellers to fuck off back to where they came from.

    Pity that I was wrong.

  3. "Good to see some decisive action being taken for once"

    Good, because it's sadly so rare...

    "Pity that I was wrong."

    We were all a bit wrong about Brexit. Not the act, just the will.
