Tuesday 1 March 2022

Never Forget The True Agenda Of These 'Animal Lovers'...

Exotic-looking pet cats like the one kicked by footballer Kurt Zouma in a horrifying Snapchat video could be banned in the UK.
Widespread fury over the shamed West Ham defender’s antics has prompted calls for hybrid Bengal animals to be outlawed.

Wait, what? Some barely human savage acts as his true nature dictates, and these people want to outlaw everyone else's pets? 

With the backing of TV animal expert Chris Packham, the Wildheart Trust has launched a campaign for a legal ban on the breeding of exotic cats with domestic cats.

Ah, say no more - publicity-hungry tv celebrity joins forces with 'young, dynamic and determined charity' that wants to get in on the 'Born Free' action...

In an open letter to environment secretary George Eustice, the charity called on the government to ‘end this cruel form of hybridisation’.
They wrote: ‘Motivated by the “designer pet” trade, fuelled by social media, the breeding of exotic felids and domestic cats (known as F1 hybrids) should have no place in the 21st century.
‘It is no less cruel than breeding a wolf with a poodle. This practice is also an escalating problem – evidenced by the dramatic rise in rescues of F1 hybrid cats in 2021.
‘We have a moral responsibility to treat animals with dignity and not as commodities to be corrupted for pleasure or commercial gain.
Urgent legislative action to make this form of hybridisation illegal will prevent the suffering of individual animals caught up in this trade and mitigate against future threats to wild populations of exotic felids.’

What does the public think? Are they on board with this radical agenda? 

That'll be a big 'No!' then. Probably not because they have Bengals or Savannahs, but because they have cats. Ordinary moggies. 

And they know that if this campaign succeeds the charity and this snivelling sentimental celebutard will find some way to come for them next...


  1. Ban mongrels.
    Of every species.
    Or at least neuter them.
    We don't need no steenking evolution.

  2. Obviously it was the cat's fault, it can't have been the footballer, have you seen his skin-colour? Better blame the cat then.

  3. "Obviously it was the cat's fault, it can't have been the footballer, have you seen his skin-colour? "

    If only the cat had been black too!

    And yes, you can get black Bengals. I want one!
