Tuesday 22 March 2022

What's The Romanian For 'You Couldn't Make It Up'..?

A juror who whipped out his phone during a criminal trial to research a case he was trying, has avoided jail.
Adrian Pirstin, from Iwade near Sittingbourne (Ed: only peripherally, Reader...), carried out an internet probe into elements of the hearing while in the jury-booth at Canterbury Crown Court.

And has avoided a spell in chokey? How? 

To be found in contempt of court usually carries a mandatory prison sentence however, the judge instead discharged Pirstin from jury duty with a verbal warning.
Recorder Matthew Turner ruled the “flagrant breach” was owed to Pirstin’s “insufficient grasp” of spoken English.

Wait, what..? How the hell do you get selected for jury duty if you can't follow the evidence?

“Now, I am not satisfied you have a sufficient grasp of spoken English to follow sufficiently simple instructions.
“You have ended up wasting half a day of court time and these matters are taken extremely seriously.
“Your phone was inpounded and interrogated by the National Crime Agency and it was discovered that you had been undertaking some research, and that you had communicated by text messages with your wife about this case.”


Speaking outside the court, the “shocked” Romanian national apologised for his actions.
“I like to do research and I thought if I could understand some things it would help, and I didn’t understand you couldn’t do research.”

That won't wash. I've done jury duty and it's something you are specifically warned against. Perhaps HMRC should be looking into what other 'simple instructions' you don't understand? Like how to calculate your tax liability? 

H/T: Farmageddon via Twitter


  1. Wow! If that's the kind of people they are selecting for jury duty...

  2. How is a non-UK citizen selected for Jury service in the first place?

  3. "Wow! If that's the kind of people they are selecting for jury duty..."

    I know! And yet I've not been called again... 😢

    "How is a non-UK citizen selected for Jury service in the first place?"

    Very good question.
