Monday 21 March 2022

You're Lucky, Most Of Us No Longer Have Any To Lose...

“When we found out we had a large amount of police officers, we joked that this should be pretty easy. It ended up being the worst day of my hospitality career. I was shocked and have lost trust, especially in the Met.”

Another 'bad apple'? Well, no, a whole barrelful. What are the odds? 

An acting inspector and at least four sergeants were on the night out, in a group of between 20 and 25 officers. Sergeant Ryan Snadden conceded that White “would have had concerns” as the CCTV footage shows more than six people sitting together.
“We were fully aware of the rules at the time, and had every intention to stick to them,” he said.

Until you all got steaming drunk and forgot who you were, eh? 

The Pc claimed self-defence, but District Judge Briony Clarke dismissed his evidence as “not honest or credible”...

That's him either out of a job or in the running to replace The Dick then! 

The officer is facing the end of his police career, and he will be sentenced later this month.

Sounds like there's more than a few others who should be facing an interview without coffee...


"Mother of god, it's gonna be a long day..."


  1. For several decades, plod have been stumbling from failure to failure and I think it would be mean to deny any arsehole a few marks for consistency, JuliaM.

  2. When I joined the police in 1989 the relief I was on used to have a summer outing. In 1990 they went to Calais for a booze cruise-which certainly makes me feel old.
    I didn't go as I don't drink and some of the old sweats were a bit punchy when drunk.
    On the way home on the ferry they were roaring drunk and a few of them got into a fight with some equally drunk squaddies.
    The Captain called ahead and Kent police were waiting at Dover for the miscreants.
    Fortunately a severe bollocking was the order of the day for all involved and nobody got lifted after Kent police decided to be lenient. Those were the days-no CCTV, no camera phones and no aggressive media. Unbelievably a "jolly boys outing" was planned in Summer 1991 but when our Team Inspector found out about it he went mad and banned it.

    Nowadays you can't get away with that sort of behaviour and the behaviour of the officers in this post. Stupid people that I cannot defend.


  3. Another example that shows that the power given to the Police under lockdown has gone to some of their heads. and tragically not all of their victims lived to talk about it.

  4. "Nowadays you can't get away with that sort of behaviour and the behaviour of the officers in this post. Stupid people that I cannot defend."

    Well, indeed!

    "...the power given to the Police under lockdown has gone to some of their heads."

    Not just seems to have gone to lots of heads!
