Saturday 2 April 2022

'Mother Of The Year' Award Is Going To Be A Tough One This Year...

'They support each other. They are still together. Their plan is they will get their children back and put this matter behind them,' Mr Moss said.
'It's something that he will never forgive himself for.'

It's something any normal mother deserving of the name would never forgive him for, wouldn't you think? 

Elon's mother Abigail Ellis, 28, was initially charged with the same offence, but prosecutors asked for a not guilty verdict to be entered in her case.

Wait, what? Why? She's every bit as culpable... 

Mr Thyne said that in April 2020, five months before the fatal incident, Ms Ellis went to a GP with her son, who had a bite wound on his right thigh. The doctor was told that the boy had been bitten by a stray dog, but he revealed in a police interview after Elon's death that in fact it had been Teddy that bit him, the court heard.

Our justice system isn't fit for purpose. And since neither is our child protection service, I expect this wretched couple will get the children back too... 

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