Saturday 2 April 2022

The New Black Market...

According to a report by German newspaper Bild, “someone is making a fortune” out of giving non-Ukrainian economic migrants fake Ukrainian passports so they can slip into western Europe and get free welfare.

And how was this discovered? Well, when they started acting less like genuine refugees fleeing a war-torn country, grateful for the help, and more like the usual suspects: 

More than 50 migrants clashed on Saturday night during a riot at a refugee facility in Munich as chairs and paving stones were used as weapons, prompting a huge police response.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? 

Bild cited a police source who said the overwhelming majority of the “refugees” were from the Sinti and Roma ethnic groups and that, “Only a fraction are really Ukrainian refugees.”
“They have brand-new Ukrainian passports, which are also real. Someone in Ukraine is making a fortune right now,” the newspaper quoted the police representative as saying.
The fight at the asylum center broke out “after authorities attempted to separate some of the individuals who have scabies,” reports ReMix News.

To think in the UK the height of black market profiteering during wartime was nylon stockings... 

H/T: i.r.jackson via email

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