Tuesday 28 June 2022

'Determination' Is All Very Well...

,,,but unless it's married to competence, it's worse than useless:

In response to anger over the delays, the Home Office has said 'foreign criminals should be in no doubt of our determination to deport them'.


The truth was revealed when a barrister representing Rauf in his battle against deportation read out a document which she said then Home Secretary Sajid Javid wrote to Aziz on Hallowe'en 2018.
It revealed that Aziz renounced his Pakistani citizenship on July 13, 2018 - five days before a hearing before the Court of Appeal where he, Rauf and Khan lost their battle against being stripped of British nationality.
As a result, the Home Secretary 'has decided not to make a deprivation order in respect of you', the letter went on - meaning Aziz retained his British citizenship.

These are the people we are trusting with the safety of women and girls? 


  1. A deliberate ploy to avoid deportation. Just wait for the thousands following him so they can continue living on the taxpayer's teat, yet continuing their cultural habits of sexually abusing young girls. Despite no longer being a citizen of Pakistan, his Pakistani heritage, especially if he is married to a Pakistani citizen, should allow a one-way flight, with a free '3 month visitor's visa for him.I
    Shirley there is at least one solicitor at the Home Office who could challenge this, but probably won't in order to annoy a Tory Minister.

  2. "A deliberate ploy to avoid deportation. "

    And sadly, it'll probably succeed.
