Tuesday 28 June 2022

Once Again, Police Incompetence Leads To An Innocent Suffering...

A 75-year-old woman was left covered in blood after a savage dog attack which ripped her scalp down to the skull. Jacqueline McGrew, from Blackburn, has had her nose reconstructed and an operation on her head following the terrifying incident in her neighbour's garden.

Luckily, in this case, the owner's father actually intervened... 

Kia is understood to have attacked Mrs McGrew in the front garden of Mr Gorton's home in Devon Road as she tried to deliver something to the property. Mr Gorton has described prising open the pet’s jaws after it sank its teeth into her head.
He told Lancs Live: “I was upstairs and I just heard this strange noise and I thought ‘what the hell is that?’ “It all happened so quick, I heard all the commotion and ran outside and she was on the ground. The other two dogs were shaking. I had to shove my hands in the dog’s mouth to get her off. Kia is my son Sonny’s dog and he’s had her since she was a baby.”

But don't measure him for a medal just yet. 

David, who has a “Beware of dogs” sign on his gate, added: “The police also took Nala, our two-year-old, even though she had nothing to do with it.
“Kia’s been seized and tested before after she attacked another dog but they gave her back to us and said she wasn’t a pitbull so I don’t understand why they’ve said they’re believed to be pit bull-type breeds.”

There's a picture of them. I can't believe the police thought they weren't... 

Sonny said straight after it happened that he was going to take Kia to the vet to have her put down.
But we said to wait and let the police deal with it.”


After Tuesday’s attack a police spokesman said: “A woman aged in her 70s had been attacked by two dogs in the front garden of an address in Devon Road. The woman suffered serious head and facial injuries.”

If you'd acted when they savaged another dog, this woman wouldn't have suffered anything, would she? 


  1. Pissed off taxpayers continue to cough up the weekly £Billions squandered on this 'Institutionally incompetent' gang of lazy, bully boys.

  2. Yes, but what's the alternative? Anarchy?

  3. Once again the useless Plods live up to their well earned reputation for laziness, arrogance and inertia. Would've been on him like a flash had he tweeted a few hurty-words online. Nothing so mundane as patrolling the streets, eh?
