Friday 17 June 2022


The council responded with a full statement, in which it said the presenter had 'piled in' and that it was 'disappointing that activists should seek to drag down' the council's 'reputation'.
'We've taken a bit of a battering on social media over the past few days over our site near Arc Leisure Matlock — even the naturalist Chris Packham has piled in,' the council said.
'When national activist groups with a huge social media following decide to knock you down you really are on a hiding to nothing, but we believe that local people will understand what we have been trying to do with this piece of land.'
Much as I despise Packham, he's perfectly entitled to have his say on the actions of the council. As is anyone

So if local people want to defend the council's actions, they can. Off you go, folks. It's free. It won't cost you a penny. 

Apart from what you're paying to have a social media manager on the council whose only job is to whine when the council gets critiscised, of course...


  1. The council should've put up some electric fences and put some sheep on the land. The eco-nutters wouldn't be able to complain then. As it is the eco-nutters are going a bit hyperbolic since it was only part of the common that was mowed.

  2. Up to a point Lady Cooper!

    The issue is that - yet again - the Packham prat is misusing his BBC-supplied public profile to demand people in a place he's never visited and couldn't find on a map allow their town to be used in some kind of ecomentalist fantasy.

    He's just one more entitled BBC prat who thinks it's their country and the rest of us are just living in it.

  3. Wraning, pedant alert: Can one person be said to "pile in"?

  4. I'm not an eco nut but what I'm seeing is an act of pointless vandalism by the council. I'm also seeing that they are incapable of admitting that they screwed up.

  5. "The council should've put up some electric fences and put some sheep on the land. The eco-nutters wouldn't be able to complain then."

    I know of nothing on this earth than can prevent eco-nutters complaining!

    "...the Packham prat is misusing his BBC-supplied public profile..."

    Perhaps, but that doesn't make him wrong about this. Stopped clock, and all that.

    "Can one person be said to "pile in"?"

    His ego is considerably bigger than one person's though...

    "I'm also seeing that they are incapable of admitting that they screwed up."

    When do they ever?
