Saturday 18 June 2022

Norton Fitzwarren - Twinned With Uvalde...

...last night, Detective Inspector Neil Meade defended the force's decision to delay their response despite the severity of the attack taking place in a rural village.
'People might say [around 20 minutes is] a long time but obviously we need to risk assess it', Det Insp Meade explained to the Telegraph.

How lucky for you then, that he didn't decide to slaughter the children sleeping upstairs while you dithered on the doorstep. 

It's another case of the police demanding no-one arm themselves because 'we're here to protect you' and when you need them...well, we all know now, don't we? 


  1. Over the last few decades, a growing number of taxpayers maintain that we are overpaying these excuse-making bastards. Yet we can anticipate one of the blog's resident plod fielding a defence in reminding us how keen they are to defend unarmed citizens.

    I'm willing to wait for just as long as the feat challenges moribund synapse response, one-fingered keyboard dexterity, Primary School English and delays arising from 'there' obligatory Assessments.

  2. "Over the last few decades, a growing number of taxpayers maintain that we are overpaying these excuse-making bastards. "

    Growing by the day, too...
