Wednesday 8 June 2022

Get Woke, Go Broke...Again

Yorkshire Cricket staff including former head coach Andrew Gale have won a case that they were wrongly sacked following the Azeem Rafiq racism scandal and are now in line to receive huge payouts.
Now the debt-ridden county faces paying out vast sums in compensation and legal fees after SportsMail reported ten days ago that the club had conceded liability in the claims.

And there's worse to come... 

An ECB inquiry into Yorkshire’s mishandling of Rafiq’s whistle-blowing on racism is yet to conclude but Lord Patel expects disrepute charges for individuals and financial penalties to follow.

 It should probably be a giant cream tea, but oh well...


  1. Well the European Central Bank will certainly have some heft.
    Beware undefined acronyms. (BUA)
