Wednesday 8 June 2022

How Well Did She Do?

The Hants PCC, I mean:
Scores of travellers have forced entry into a disused army base on the edge of Winchester.
Residents described seeing a 'convoy' of caravans move the concrete barricade and head into Bushfield Camp off Badger Farm Road late Thursday evening.

Hurrah! Witnesses! So, the police can act, right?  

Police said they are aware of the encampment and have already paid a visit to the 15 hectare plot - which has been disused since the 1970s.

Great! How many arrests did th...


"Officers have visited the encampment and continue to monitor the situation, whilst working closely with the landowners and Winchester City Council to seek a suitable resolution."


This is the second time in as many weeks police have been called out to travellers who have forcibly set up camp across the Winchester district.
Shedfield Parish Council had to hire professional cleaners to deal with piles of mess - including clothes, food and human excrement - which were left on the common by travellers who tore up wooden posts to access the site.

Yet another state of affairs this hopeless Tory government has failed to get to grips with, despite (empty) promises to make trespass a criminal offence... 

H/T: i.r.jackson via email


  1. The report that this site has been empty since the 70's makes me wonder who owns it, and why it was left empty and not used for much needed house building. Perhaps those questions should be asked?
    Step 1. Replace the concrete barriers (after giving the Caravan Utilising Nomadic TravellerS the chance to leave).
    Step 2. When they do move off, prosecute them for fly tipping. I believe Section 25 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act still allows the arrest of someone whose name and address is not known or can not be ascertained or the service of a summons is impractical.
    Step 3. Have a shed load of Police Officers ready for when they, eventually, move off, to check that engine serial numbers match the registration plates, and the caravan chassis serial numbers aren't linked with stolen vans. It can be good training for those young in service.
    Also, invite the media, local and national, to record the various actions.
    Will it happen? Of course not. Too many diversity ridden, woke, numpties.

  2. The report that this site has been empty since the 70's makes me wonder who owns it, and why it was left empty and not used for much needed house building. Perhaps those questions should be asked?
    Step 1. Replace the concrete barriers (after giving the Caravan Utilising Nomadic TravellerS the chance to leave).
    Step 2. When they do move off, prosecute them for fly tipping. I believe Section 25 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act still allows the arrest of someone whose name and address is not known or can not be ascertained or the service of a summons is impractical.
    Step 3. Have a shed load of Police Officers ready for when they, eventually, move off, to check that engine serial numbers match the registration plates, and the caravan chassis serial numbers aren't linked with stolen vans. It can be good training for those young in service.
    Also, invite the media, local and national, to record the various actions.
    Will it happen? Of course not. Too many diversity ridden, woke, numpties.

  3. But never forget that Plod will come down hard on Hate Offences on soshul meedjah.

  4. "The report that this site has been empty since the 70's makes me wonder who owns it, and why it was left empty and not used for much needed house building. "

    You can't leave anything undeveloped for long in my area. So, a puzzle indeed.

    "But never forget that Plod will come down hard on Hate Offences on soshul meedjah."

    Indeed! *sighs*
