Saturday 23 July 2022

"But Not Those Pesky Traffic Officers..."

Henry declined to answer questions outside Nottingham Magistrates' Court on whether she would resign from her position.
Henry was captured over the speed limit twice near a primary school in Daybrook, Nottingham, as well as roads in Chilwell, Beeston and on the city's A610.
Speed cameras clocked the PCC's speed as high as 40mph in a 30mph zone, with other excess speeds recorded at 35mph and 38mph. Henry was caught in 30mph zones at four locations in Nottingham in March, May and June last year.
It says a lot for the power of Mercedes and Lexus engines that they could reach those speeds with her in the driving seat...
The judge dismissed Henry's application to keep her driving licence due to 'exceptional hardship'.
Use JustEat in future, love.


  1. Personally, I prefer drivers to be looking through the windscreen rather than gawping at the speedometer, and certainly think that 35mph is within the reading error of a speedometer calibrated in 5mph intervals.

  2. "Laws are for the little people. For those in positions of power and authority, such as me, these laws don't apply."
    This woman may not have said those words, but it's obvious she thought them, and believed them, as have so many people before her, whether politicians, business managers, sports icons, tunnel visioned political activists, and BMW drivers. This one got caught and was punished, probably because she was one of the 'minor' elite. Whether she resigns or not, is a matter for her, and those who sponsored her, but how much crecedence does she now have? A continuance of justice would have her returning to a long period of well deserved anonymity.

  3. OK, which plod has she upset? They make up many of the so-called offences, and lie through their teeth, in their vendettas.

  4. Wow how unlucky was that, came up before a magistrate who doesn't believe such people are above the law. Well done magistrate but I wouldn't rate your chances of staying in your post for long if I were you.

  5. Anon 2, that was my first thought. She must be doing something right or this would have been temporarily swept under the carpet, ready to be used against her when required.

  6. "Personally, I prefer drivers to be looking through the windscreen rather than gawping at the speedometer..."

    HUD should be standard on all vehicles, if safety were the true desire...

    "A continuance of justice would have her returning to a long period of well deserved anonymity."

    Or out on her ear.

    "She must be doing something right or this would have been temporarily swept under the carpet, ready to be used against her when required."

    Maybe. Maybe not.
