Saturday 23 July 2022

Gosh, What Could Possibly Be The Reason For This?

Police forces in the UK and across Europe are suffering from a growing “culture of extremism”, according to a report that warns of an increase in officers sharing racist and far-right content online.
In France, Belgium, Germany and Hungary former high-ranking police officers have become extreme-right mayoral and parliamentary candidates.

Could it be because they are sick and tired of seeing the pandering that goes on to feral 'communities' and have decided to do something about it? 

In the UK, a series of recent cases involving the Metropolitan police have further damaged the reputation of a force long accused of being “institutionally racist”. They include officers sharing images on WhatsApp of two murdered black sisters. Another group of officers, at a central London station, were found to have joked about rape, killing black children and beating their wives.

Those officers were dealt with under existing Professional Standards guidelines. Are the authors of this report saying that the example of a few means the majority are wrong 'uns? 

Because with Telford and Rochdale once again in the headlines for child abuse in certain 'communities', that's a bit dangerous, isn't it? 

The report also warns that the “thin blue line” avatar and hashtag are still seen on the Twitter feeds of police officers, including a safer neighbourhood team in London, and they have been observed on the uniforms of officers in Manchester.
In the US, the thin blue line avatar and “blue lives matter” movement are associated with white nationalism, with serving and retired officers implicated in the Capitol Hill siege.

This isn't the US. It's Britain. And I didn't see the authors of this report getting out of bed to criticise the flying of Pride flags, did you Reader? 

Fekete warned that the thin blue line had become a “besieged and misunderstood minority group” with a proliferation of victim narratives that represent rank-and-file officers as the aggrieved party in debates on police racism and use of force.

Because they often are! Can an 'aggrieved party' no longer speak out about what they feel aggrieved about, Fekete? Because there goes a hell of a lot of the progressive press... 

The report also warns of a link between racist attitudes and operational practice, particularly in relation to predictive policing and racial profiling. Last December, concerns were raised about the Met’s Operation Pima in which 61% of individuals identified within intelligence reports as the “most prolific or violent offenders” in London were black.

Ah, once again, unfortunate reality leaps out from a dark alley waving a knife and demanding you hand over the evidence, Fekete... 


  1. Isn't it more a case of rats leaving a sinking ship, Julia?

    Rats familiar with the acronym ACAB but resenting the justified sentiment? As this graffiti became plastered across the UK, the conclusion that 'there' days were numbered as an out-of-control Institution, became widely shared.

  2. Only 61%? Must try harder.
    If you watch tv adverts then most would think that the majority of the population were ethnics.

  3. As much as any one, such as the Police, betrays their oath and are found to be of a lower class of morality and criminality, considering the numbers of Police officers in England and Wales (can't comment on Scottish, or Northern Ireland, Police), pro rata, there are fewer criminals in the Police than in Parliament (both houses), show business, sports participants, the BBC, or almost any other profession in the country. Unfortunately, the rabble rousers make others gather their pitchfolks and flaming torches and attack selevtive targets. If a plumber commits rape, does this hairball plumbers potential rapists? I bloody hope not, as I need a tap leak fixing!

  4. Hmm, why do I suspect that only certain (white, male, straight, Christian) officers were reported?

    You'd be hard-pressed in any work environment 'not' to find similar, or worse (especially in female, gay or non-white dominated or only spaces) and ... in "high-stress" areas where you tend to find the risqué, and outright offensive, used as means to cope (been there, done that - when 'you' have picked up bits of what used to be people, and helped what's left as much as you can, you can judge, not before).

    So it's done by everybody, everywhere but is used here as a justification for further graft, power-grabs, jobs/preferences for favoured groups and to get rid of unwanted (white, male, straight) people? So SSDD then?

  5. Maybe there are more far right officers, because the definition of far right has moved so far left

  6. "Isn't it more a case of rats leaving a sinking ship, Julia?"

    Maybe, but rats don't usually then show an interest in shipbuilding, do they, MTG?

    "Only 61%? Must try harder."


    " I bloody hope not, as I need a tap leak fixing!"


    "Maybe there are more far right officers, because the definition of far right has moved so far left"

    When I was growing up, I knew the appellation 'far right' described some truly unpleasant people with repellant notions. Now, it would appear to describe my friends and neighbours...
