Friday 22 July 2022

Yes, Sometimes People Do Make Mistakes... our so-called 'justice system' most of all.
Victoria McInerney caused thousands of pounds of damage when she smashed into a set of traffic lights on a main road in the early hours before falsely claiming that a thief had been behind the wheel. She punched the air with delight after walking free from court over the incident today, Tuesday.
The sales director and pilates studio owner was also allowed to keep her driving licence.

Wait, what?  

Michael Scholes, defending, told the court that his client acts as a carer for several family members and has a history of physical and mental health problems. He also described her as 'hard-working, responsible and well thought of young woman'.

Past tense, presumably? 

Mr Scholes added: 'There was a significant degree of brain fog. The extremely bad decision taken is so out of character that it suggests there must have been other factors beyond simply wanting to avoid responsibility.
'She is in a position to make reparations. It's entirely reasonable to suggest she will not trouble the courts again and she has the potential for a productive future.
'She is just the last person you would expect to see before the courts for this type of offence. Sometimes people make mistakes, and some mistakes have more serious consequences than others.'


Sentencing, Judge Louise Brandon said: 'You deliberately provided false information to the police, and you did so in circumstances where you must have mulled it over before you did it. You caused valuable resources to be wasted when they could have been used elsewhere.
'It's clear you are someone who is held in high regard by anyone who knows you. You are of impeccable and positive good character.
'You deeply regret what you did. In panic, you didn't think through the consequences of your actions.'

But I thought she'd 'mulled it over', Louise? 

'You have had time to reflect and taken responsibility. I accept there were other factors in play, and that it was not all about wanting to avoid responsibility.'

She has only 'taken responsibility' because they had her bang to rights on CCTV... 

'Offences of this nature undermine the very nature of the criminal justice system.'

Not as much as judges like you letting people like her off... 

'But I very much doubt that we will be seeing you in this court again. You have never been before the courts before, and you don't pose a risk to the public in my judgement.'

The next time she gets behind the wheel sozzled, is it too much to hope it's one of the judge's friends or relatives in the path of her vehicle?  


  1. It's called attempting to pervert the course of justice.
    A couple of judges have been convicted in similar circumstances in recent years.
    A useful precedent for the next one who is caught.

  2. Judge Brandon, eh? The FJB meme is spreading

  3. So, she's a carer with mental and physical problems, and the cretin on the Bench says she doesn't pose a threat to the public! The world has gone mad. It's like that female drink driver who was let off because "she had stopped drinking" according to her (legal aid funded) defence brief, and immediately went down to a nearby pub! I sometimes feel that I'm living in Telly Tubby land and Dippsy Wippsy is in charge.

  4. Judges that show this level of contempt for "common sense justice" should be hauled from the court and put in stocks for a week.

    Is it any wonder that us mere lowly serfs hold these begowned and bewigged idiots in such low regard?

    If God saw fit to put me in charge for just one day....we would probably run out of bullets by lunchtime. Bayonet practice would be held in the afternoon heh heh.

  5. Another judge who sleeps well at night because he keeps his Frankfurt school book under his pillow.

  6. "A useful precedent for the next one who is caught."

    Which won't be long in coming...

    "So, she's a carer with mental and physical problems, and the cretin on the Bench says she doesn't pose a threat to the public!"

    Beggars belief, doesn't it? I'm sick and tired of reading the 'carer' label applied willy-nilly to people who seem unable to care for themselves, never ming anyone else...

    "If God saw fit to put me in charge for just one day....we would probably run out of bullets by lunchtime. "

    Put me in charge, it'd be by first coffee break!

    "Another judge who sleeps well at night because he keeps his Frankfurt school book under his pillow."

    A horse's head might be an option for his future.
