Wednesday 27 July 2022

Have You Never Heard Of 'Alterations' Then..?

Students at the Stanway School, in Winstree Road, Colchester, were subjected to an “informal” uniform check which reportedly left some pupils feeling violated.

Blimey! Uniform checks? Did they make them strip in the corridor, or something?

One fuming mother says some of the girls involved protested against the measuring but said their objections were disregarded.

What were they checking, knicker elastic? Bra cup size? 

Would you believe....skirts?

Speaking anonymously, she said: “The teachers said if the skirts were shorter from the knee to their access cards then they would have to buy a new skirt.
“Most of the girls’ skirts were not rolled up and just fitted normally, but they had their blazers pulled back so the teachers could get to them.”

Oh noes! The humiliation of having your blazer pulled back! Call the UN and the ECHR! 

“My daughter was almost crying; she suffers with anxiety (Ed: probably caught it from her neurotic mother...) as it is and was left shaking and distraught about the whole situation - I was disgusted when she told me.
“Young women’s bodies come in all shapes and sizes and those with small waists, like my daughter, cannot have a skirt that fits both their waist and reaches their knee.”

Yes, of course she can. She takes them to a seamstress, like I do when I buy a skirt that's a lovely fit for waist and hips, but too long for my liking. 

Sheesh! What the hell is wrong with parents these days? 


  1. "Sheesh! What the hell is wrong with parents these days?"

    They breed . . .

  2. Presumably the school needs to provide a small army of anxiety counsellors every time there is a PE class and they get asked to change into sports gear.

  3. "...which reportedly left some pupils feeling violated."

    You can tell that I'm pretty ancient from this detail of regular school life. Anyone who had earned themselves a caning had their names read out in assembly and then had to sit on a bench outside the headmaster's and headmistress's office as everyone filed past on their way to their first lesson. Maybe ten minutes into that first lesson someone would show up and apologise to the teacher for being late. Wouldn't it be fun if we could time travel and some of these delicate flowers could experience school in the 1970s.

  4. These stories make me feel grateful. Lucky to be a child in the best era for State Education, it is impossible to look back on those particular decades with anything but admiration for the system and its staff.

  5. "They breed . . "

    Sadly, yes.

    "Presumably the school needs to provide a small army of anxiety counsellors..."

    They probably already have some!

    "You can tell that I'm pretty ancient from this detail of regular school life."

    It's wildly different from my school days too...

    " Lucky to be a child in the best era for State Education, it is impossible to look back on those particular decades with anything but admiration for the system and its staff."

    Spot on!
