Wednesday 27 July 2022

Suicide By Cop Naturist

A man who was shot dead by an elderly naturist after allegedly performing a sex act in front of a woman on a nudist beach in France was already known to the police, it has emerged.

Seems the French cops are as useless as our own when it comes to the mentally ill causing trouble... 

The 46-year-old exhibitionist was gunned down at 'La Mama' beach in the Grand parc Miribel-Jonage on the outskirts of Lyon around 10:30am local time on Saturday morning.
The shooter, a 75-year-old nudist, took umbrage with the man who had shouted insults at the beachgoers and then began pleasuring himself while staring at another woman, according to French police.

Oh dear how sad never mind... 

Keen beachgoers flocked back to the shores this morning to enjoy the weather, seemingly unperturbed by the killing less than 24 hours before, according to Le Progres.

Why should they be perturbed? The place is certainly safer now than before! 


  1. "Take that, you wanker!"

    "I was offended by 'is little stiffie, so now 'e is a beeg stiffie!"

  2. Not a concealed weapon then?
    I mean the shooter's
    What did you think I meant?

  3. What is the law re concealed carry on a French nudist beach?

  4. gonetomorrow, my mind is boggling!

  5. "Not a concealed weapon then?"

