Saturday 27 August 2022

And Nor Should They...But The NHS Should!

Scotland Yard will face no action from the police watchdog over the disappearance of Owami Davies, despite the fact officers spoke to her the same day she was reported missing after being called to welfare concerns.

Good. They shouldn't face any. What were they supposed to do, when at the point they spoke to her they didn't know she was a missing person? 

Good to see them hitting back at the usual suspects whining about 'racism'.

Fears for Miss Davies' safety had been mounting over the past two months after she was last seen walking north along London Road in Croydon on July 7 after leaving her family home in Grays, Essex three days earlier - having told her mother she was going to the gym.
Despite the arrests of five people and numerous appeals for information, some 50 officers were struggling to locate Miss Davies as they trawled through 117 reported sightings of her and 50,000 hours of CCTV footage as they frantically worked to retrace the student nurse's steps.

All for nothing. She wasn't missing at all. She was just another flake with mental issues.   

Her colleagues at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (GSST) added: 'We are delighted that our colleague Owami has been found and is safe. Thank you to everyone who helped to find her.'

Shouldn't that be 'ex-colleague'..? Surely the NHS isn't so desperate for nursing staff it's considering taking on a mentally-troubled recruit? 

It comes as it emerged that an NHS trust offered her a job then withdrew it because she did not respond to her emails while she went missing.
A spokesperson from GSTT also confirmed to MailOnline that the job offer was withdrawn due to an automated system when a response was not received. They said in a statement: 'Owami has been offered a job with our Trust but unfortunately our automated system withdrew this when a response was not received within a specific timeframe.
'As soon as this was discovered we very quickly reinstated the job offer which remains open.'

Oh. Apparently they are... 


  1. And people wonder why the NHS is a pile of sh*t. Not really a surprise if they are employing people like this is it?

    The funny thing is about the NHS that it is everything that the wokerati dream about in an organisation. Its almost entirely female (the NHS is 77% female) and has disproportionately high numbers of ethnic minorities (22% non-white). If everything we are told about those groups is true then the NHS should be a Rolls Royce of an organisation, purring along powered by all the benefits of diversity. Whereas is fact its an utter shambles, and pretty much on the verge of collapse.

    I'll make a very politically incorrect statement - if the NHS was staffed entirely by white men, it would function far better than it does today, using exactly the same resources. And thats not to overly big up white men, I fully expect that if the NHS was run entirely by Japanese or Korean people it would function even better.

  2. I'm not surprised she gets employed by the NHS. She ticks some of the boxes. Not one of them boxes is 'competent to do the job'

    And i do think the force was racist. They wouldn't have done all that for some poor mentally ill white bloke.

    The part I was curious about is five people were arrested. why was that? If it had been one then I would have thought they were a suspect but five. the only thing I can think of was that they said something that wasn't PC when asked by Plod.

  3. When the next white person goes missing I hope his or her family get exactly the same resources thrown at the search. But I doubt it.
    This woman should face some serious questions-why didn't she get in touch when she saw the media appeals? The cost of her being "missing" will run into thousands but she won't pay it.


  4. "And people wonder why the NHS is a pile of sh*t. "

    I'm afraid, having some experience with it as my mother and father aged, I no longer wonder.

    "...the NHS should be a Rolls Royce of an organisation, purring along powered by all the benefits of diversity. "


    "And i do think the force was racist. They wouldn't have done all that for some poor mentally ill white bloke."

    Good point!

    "This woman should face some serious questions..."

    And some consequences. But we know she won't.
