Saturday 27 August 2022

Get The Popcorn Ready!

An official inquiry will find that the mayor of London wrongly ousted Cressida Dick as commissioner of the Metropolitan police, the Guardian has learned.
The findings come from a special commission conducted by Sir Tom Winsor, the former chief inspector of constabulary, after Dick’s decision to resign in February. A draft of the government-ordered report finds that Sadiq Khan did not follow due process and that Dick was unfairly treated, branding the mayor’s actions and decision-making as “irrational” and “unreasonable”.
A furious Khan is consulting lawyers, and believes the report to be biased and factually flawed. The report also says the mayor’s treatment of Dick was “oppressive”, and that she was placed under unfair pressure.




  1. Alien vs. Predator, round 2!

  2. It's an impossible job being Commissioner as everyone thinks they are an expert on policing.Khan is a vile little man who has to pander to the ethnic minorities and the middle class liberals who vote for him. People forget that he started his career as a human rights lawyer defending terrorist scum, conveniently brushed under the carpet.
    I would have been very amused to see no-one apply for the top job but there's always an idiot who wants the kudos.

  3. If I remember right, the Mayor summoned the Commissioner to a meeting. She declined to attend but tendered her resignation instead.

    Ms Dick joined the police in 1983 and was able to retire in 2013 on full pension. She didn’t, she hung on for another two years.

    When she re-joined the Met in 2017 she was already past her sell-by date. By February 2022 when the Mayor started turning the heat up her frailty was exposed.

  4. Hmm,

    I'm sure any hurt feelings will be salved with a hefty dose of taxpayer's cash.

    That would take the shine off any pleasure I might get alas

  5. She is a woman, what sort of treatment did she expect?

  6. "Alien vs. Predator, round 2!"


    "It's an impossible job being Commissioner ..."

    Yet as you say, there'll be no shortage of applicants.

    "...was able to retire in 2013 on full pension."

    One wonders why she didn't. Hadn't done quite enough damage yet?
