Friday 5 August 2022

I Really Don't Think You Understand The Term 'Risk', Susan...

Plans to continue livestreaming council meetings have sparked fears of...

Broadcast interruptions? Internet price rises? Unflattering images? 

...Mickey Mouse-themed TikTok parodies.


What sort of idiot worries ab...

Oh. Of course. 

At a full council meeting on Wednesday all councillors agreed on the theory of livestreaming meetings but Cllr Susan Beer (Lab) suggested a delay to leaving meetings on record.
She claimed members of the council didn't fully understand the proposal and further training should be carried out.

I think it's actually you who doesn't understand the proposal, Susan. And I'm not sure training will help you much... 

But after Conservative councillors admitted they were "speechless" by her opposition to the plans, Cllr Beer said she had been misinterpreted or misunderstood by her counterparts.

Ummm, I'm going to say 'Nope!'... 

She said: “What I’m suggesting is the implications of us being broadcast, the things that could happen haven’t been mentioned.
“For example, if our esteemed chairman suddenly turned up in a TikTok video doing silly dances and singing funny songs, what would we do?"

Oh noes! Mocking videos! It's the end of the world! 

“One of my big concerns is that if somebody revoices me as Mickey Mouse, I will deal with that, but if they revoice me and turn me into an extreme racist person, I would be very upset."

They could turn you into an extreme moron instead, but I fear that would only be a waste of electrons... 

“I’m talking about risk to our reputation as a council, not just councillors, we’re already at risk but nevertheless has anyone sat down with anyone here to talk about more than just how to push buttons.
“Has anyone thought of that, because those are the risks I’m talking about."

*shrugs* Frankly, you're doing a great job of that already, before the streaming even starts, Susan... 


  1. If that Mickey Mouse stuff was not going to happen, it certainly will now she's opened her mouth and proved what an idiot she is.

  2. Pass me a helium filled balloon and a keyboard.

  3. " certainly will now she's opened her mouth and proved what an idiot she is."

    It does have the ring of 'Challenge accepted!' now, doesn't it?

    "Pass me a helium filled balloon and a keyboard."

