Monday 29 August 2022

Yeah, You Might Just Be Right, Julie...

Oh, come on, that's just late middle-age talking, surely? They aren't that ba...

OK. Never mind.


  1. Great idea (not)!

    How about extending this idiotic twattiness:

    All teachers should be parents, otherwise they will not empathise with their pupils.
    All butchers must only eat meat.
    All chemists must have used all of their products.
    All bookshop personnel must have read every book they stock.

    Vegans are some of the most humourless and boring people on the planet. And they don't like it when it's pointed out that tomato plants absorb (eat) insects, etc, etc.

  2. I don't really care if vegans are humourless and boring. My problem with them is their inability to live and let live. Your plant based diet is your own decision, I have no problem with that. My diet however, is non of your effing business, just remember that and we'll get along just fine.

  3. "Vegans are some of the most humourless and boring people on the planet. "

    I've known a few, and apart from the faddy diet, they were OK. Perhaps,as with everything, it's the ones addicted to publicity that are the worst?

    "My problem with them is their inability to live and let live."

    All fanatics are like that.
