Saturday 24 September 2022

Dare We Hope..?

...that we actually have a conservative government worthy of the name at last?
'I don't think it's a bleak picture - if you look at unemployment, that's at a 50-year low,' he said, adding that tax cuts were ‘central to solving the riddle of growth’ as he set a target for boosting GDP after years of ‘stagnation’.
Business chiefs welcomed the measures, with the CBI saying there was ‘no choice but to go for growth’ - while former Tory treasurer Lord Ashcroft said that with the Chancellor's mini-Budget it 'seems after 12 years to have a Conservative government'.

Watch this space. And watch what Labour does. Because they are now pushed into a position where they have to argue that allowing people more of their own money to spend as they wish is somehow a bad thing... 


  1. I'd love to think you are right but i'm sceptical. They have just evicted a man who delivered Brexit and given them an 80 seat majority. Then replaced him with the blandest woman in the world who used to be a Lib-Dem ardent Remainer.

    The left-wing bias that corrupts this country is too firmly entrenched in institutions like the BBC, the Civil Service, the NHS and the justice system to just surrender.

    If they don't put a stop to the daily invasion by the dinghy scum then they won't get my vote.

  2. Cutting taxes is one thing.

    Cutting wasteful expenditure is a totally different one.

    I fear (though I hope I'm wrong) that they don't have the intestinal fortitude to cut spending, at which point the tax cuts are yet another tax on our grandchildren.

    Labour have been moaning about Austerity for a decade, I'm still waiting for it to start.

    We can begin to hope when total government spending falls.

  3. Those scum you refer to are sent by thr Third World. The UK Government put them up for a bit then send them back.

  4. At the same time, truss is still cheerleading for an unnecessary war to please a brain dead octogenarian at no benefit to anybody apart from the military-industrial complex which benefits from a massive transfer of wealth from ordinary people. Just on the heels of another transfer to pharma companies. The budget is a start but it's not ground breaking or original in the least.

  5. At least the military-industrial complex employs people and pays taxes, which means that they cost a lot less than the upfront apparent bill seems like.

  6. The Tory party have lost the next election and probably the one after that. This is a bare faced grab for as much cash for themselves and their rich friends as possible before they are thrown out of power. Grab it while the getting is good boys is the name of the game. As for the plebs, who cares what happens to them?

  7. "I'd love to think you are right but i'm sceptical."

    Well, they've certainly got off to a disappointing start, haven't they?

    "I fear (though I hope I'm wrong) that they don't have the intestinal fortitude to cut spending..."

    They certainly have proved they don't have it to stay the course under pressure...

    "At the same time, truss is still cheerleading for an unnecessary war to please a brain dead octogenarian at no benefit to anybody apart from the military-industrial complex..."

    Indeed. *sighs*
