Saturday 24 September 2022

Sentences That Make You Wonder....

A 16-year-old boy is among three people charged today with the murder and rape of a father-of-one in Rotherham.

...what century and society you're living in. I had to read that twice.

Adam Clapham, 31, who had a young daughter, was found dead on Spring Street on the day of the Queen's funeral after concern for welfare reports at around 10.48am.
On Monday, officers rushed to the scene where they found the 31-year-old unresponsive and confirmed him dead.
Robert Crookes, 31, of no fixed address, Lynette Myers, 38, of Hounsfield Crescent, Rotherham, and a 16-year-old boy, who cannot be named due to legal reasons, have all been charged with murder.
They also faced allegations of false imprisonment, a section 18 grievous bodily harm offence and oral rape when they appeared at Sheffield Magistrates' Court today.



  1. Makes a change from Pakistani rape gangs.
    "Tha's only arrestin' us 'cos we's white" . . .

  2. This is what passes for the rule of law in UK today. No need to think of self defense folks the police are here to look after you.

  3. "Makes a change from Pakistani rape gangs.
    "Tha's only arrestin' us 'cos we's white" . . ."

    Are they, though? The names appear to be, but...
