Friday 18 November 2022

And The Beat Goes On...

It's never ending, is it?

Haslington councillor Steve Edgar (Con) said: “Of all the applications I’ve seen, this is one of the better ones. It has its faults, it has its problems, it’s not perfect, they never are, but overall I think it’s a good application.”
He moved the recommendation that it be approved. Seven councillors voted for approval, two voted against and two abstained.
I'm assuming the 'Con' stands for conservative, but maybe it's more a reflection on what they are doing to us all...


  1. All of which proves that it's a mistake to talk about open borders providing cheap labour. It might be cheap for Mega Corp but the rest of us have to pay out shedloads for the supporting infrastructure.

  2. Isn't it the council's responsibility to ensure that these school places and amenities are provided for the local population? Presumably the people who move into the new housing will be paying council tax. There is a large housing developement on the outskirts of Beverley. The private sector are right on it already with Lidl, Morrisons a filling station and several food outlets already up and running close by.

  3. "It might be cheap for Mega Corp but the rest of us have to pay out shedloads for the supporting infrastructure."

    Spot on!

    "Isn't it the council's responsibility to ensure that these school places and amenities are provided for the local population?"

    You'd think so, if you'd not seen how often they seem to be able to skip it entirely...
