Monday 7 November 2022


Four men go on trial this week. And it would have been five...
They are suspected of conspiring to murder a 23-year-old rival who was shot on the dance floor at the Oval Space nightclub in Cambridge Heath, according to The Telegraph.
The victim was chased out of the nightclub and shot twice by a gunman before being taken to the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel. He was treated for gunshot wounds to both legs, but survived the attack.
The four men appeared at Thames Magistrates Court on October 28 charged with conspiracy to murder. The newspaper reported that the prosecution will allege Mr Kaba helped plot the attack and was present at the incident.
Yes, Reader. That Mr Kaba.


  1. It seems to have gone quiet since the police showed the family the video footage

  2. At risk of sounding slightly inexcusable vice for which all we whities are 'ontogentical defect' in our distant cousins could be responsible for readily igniting violent scenes at these lyrical venues. Scenes of mayhem with which we are all now familiar.

    Defective 'musicians' from this category become involved in matters far beyond music and from the moment they start to throw their financial windfalls around, jealousy erupts like an unpredictable volcano.

  3. I'm sure the apologies from BLM scum and various media outlets are winging there way to Scotland Yard as we speak.

  4. "It seems to have gone quiet since the police showed the family the video footage"

    Surely. in the public interest, it should be released on pay-per-view, proceeds going to
    the retired cops charity?

    " 'ontogentical defect' in our distant cousins could be responsible for readily igniting violent scenes at these lyrical venues."

    I can't imagine what you mean...😏

    "I'm sure the apologies from BLM scum and various media outlets are winging there way to Scotland Yard as we speak."

    I'm sure they are. It's just the postal strike delays...

    "This is just rude"

    Do expand, anon..?
