Friday 25 November 2022

Finish Your Dinner Before You Start On Dessert...

Taking pictures down women's tops and creating 'deepfake' pornographic images without consent are to be made illegal. An amendment to the Online Safety Bill announced yesterday will give police and prosecutors more power to bring the abusers to justice.
Gosh, more crimes, eh? It must be great to have done such a great job on all the existing ones that you can.... 

Oh, wait....


  1. Well I can think of at least 2 items of existing legislation which cover this offence (and I'm not a lawyer) so why bother?

    It's not actually meant to extend the existing arsenal of legal prohibitions: it's purely legislation as showbiz ("we hear you and we're doing something - but no we won't stop/prevent illegal immigration which is not as important as this")

  2. My goodness.
    Deep fake pornography?
    I are just a simple "boomer" (so I am told to define myself), and despite researching porn all the way from soggy Readers Wives (sic - poor grammmar) found under hedges, all the way to the horrors of the Inter-Webs, I have never come across "deep pornography" let alone "fake deep porn", or any rearrangement of those words.
    These legislators must lead interesting lives.

  3. "Well I can think of at least 2 items of existing legislation which cover this offence (and I'm not a lawyer) so why bother?"

    It's the 'be seen to be doing something' syndrome again, as you note.

    "These legislators must lead interesting lives."

    Their hard drives all need looking at!
