Saturday 26 November 2022

Proportionate And Just..?

Vincent Reynouard, 53, was arrested in Anstruther, Fife on Thursday on a Trade and Co-operation Agreement warrant issued in France.
The French press claimed he had been working as a private tutor while living under a false identity while in the UK. The 53-year-old had been on the run since November 2020​...

For armed robbery? Murder? 

...after he posted a Holocaust denial video on YouTube and was handed a four-month jail term and a further six months in January 2021.


He was jailed previously in 1991, 2005 and 2015 for numerous separate offences including distributing leaflets and writing a brochure denying the Holocaust. In France, Holocaust denial has been a crime since 1990.

He's clearly a serial denier, so what's the point in wasting time on him? He's not going to change his views, and probably sees the legal problems as more 'evidence' of persecution. It could even be said that the authorities are fuelling his delusions.  

So, what would be the best thing to do with people like this? 


  1. "So, what would be the best thing to do with people like this? "

    How about: You can have this criminal back, but it will be a package deal. You also get back all the illegal immigrants you sent us.

    That should free up some space in our hotels.

  2. Derision works best with unrepentant obsessives.

  3. If you take this argument to it's extreme then why bother arresting serial burglars? They won't change and prison isn't a deterrent.
    The subject of this post is probably mentally ill.

  4. Let him have his views.

    Censoring by the State usually shows they are hiding something and supports his views. Why is it illegal to have some opinions which can be verified by facts such as IQ and race comparison?

    Why isn't the Chinese and Russian persecution of many of their citizens a holocaust when many more than 6 million died in each. The vaccines will probably top that when we are finished.

  5. Anstruter is a real place? I thought that it could only be found in Quentin Jardine books!

  6. You could do what we do with them in the US - ignore them or make fun of them.

  7. Probably just let him carry on with his Youtube and leaflets and just ignore him. It's not like he will ever start a revolution or anything
    There are plenty of crackpot conspiracy theories out there, 9/11, chemtrails, fake moon landings, I wonder why they only focused on the holocaust as the one they should make illegal?

  8. "How about: You can have this criminal back, but it will be a package deal. You also get back all the illegal immigrants you sent us."


    "Derision works best with unrepentant obsessives."

    It works for me, so why not employ it in this case?

    "If you take this argument to it's extreme then why bother arresting serial burglars?"

    Police and the criminal justice system seem to have already put that in place, Jaded...

    "Censoring by the State usually shows they are hiding something and supports his views."

    The authorities are certainly somewhat partisan on whose views are considered beyond the pale, aren't they?

    "There are plenty of crackpot conspiracy theories out there, 9/11, chemtrails, fake moon landings, I wonder why they only focused on the holocaust as the one they should make illegal?"

    Me too. And as Lord T points out, why only this holocaust, and not the others?
