Friday 4 November 2022

"I got so brave, drink in hand, lost my discretion..."

PC Kira Wealls, 20, had just joined Essex Police when she appeared in a promotional video showing her transition from Tesco worker to proud beat officer.

Talk about scraping the barrel... 

However, in June she called bosses to say she was too unwell to do her night shift in Chelmsford.

Oh. Well, it happens. Right, Reader?  

In fact, she went to Newmarket, Suffolk, and became involved in an altercation over a jug of Pimm’s.

 Not a bottle of Lambrini or WKD? Wow! She must be from the posh part of Essex!

Wealls approached police at the racecourse and told them what had happened – and that she was an officer with another force. Essex Police were informed and Wealls quit after she was put on restricted duties and told she faced a misconduct hearing.

I don't think Tesco are going to want you back, frankly... 

Her mother, Alison, said at the family home in Colchester yesterday that Wealls had moved to Turkey. She claimed her daughter had ‘mental health problems’ brought on by the stress of her job but she did not want bosses to know.

Sure, sure... 

Her daughter resigned on the advice of a Police Federation representative.

When they won't back you, you know you're doomed! 

But who on earth decided that what Essex Police needed was 'representation' for the Essex airhead bimbo demographic? And are they still in their job? 


  1. Millenials who think they are bullet-proof once again. She's probably traded on her looks for many years until she got into a situation she couldn't flirt out of .

  2. @Jaded:
    I don't know about "many years", 'cos slapper is only 20. And as for looks?

  3. My local force is proudly “diverse”. Pouting lips, fake tan and hair all over the place is standard uniform for female officers these days. Of course I presume that the ones I describe are female officers, they could of course be men declaring themselves to be women. Who’s to say.

  4. Now if only she had been a bit more diverse.
    But I want a mobile like hers. Then I could look like a young Clark Gable rather than a venerable Albert Steptoe.
    But maybe a jug of three of Pimms has the same transforming effect.

  5. "She's probably traded on her looks for many years until she got into a situation she couldn't flirt out of ."

    We've all been there, but past 40, it stops working, sadly!

    "Pouting lips, fake tan and hair all over the place is standard uniform for female officers these days. Of course I presume that the ones I describe are female officers..."


    "But maybe a jug of three of Pimms has the same transforming effect."

    It'd have to be a bit more than 3...

  6. Firstly that picture is 3 years old.2nd kira was the one assaulted unprovoked 3rd what you look like does not affect how you do your job. 4 kira was actually off with mental health due to what she saw in her job at too young an judge away please go ahead as you all seem to know all about this young girl the only crime she committed was lieing about her reason for being sick embarrassed to say the words mental health in a job she should be strong headed in.and the biggest mistake was reporting being assaulted to a police officer so believe and think what you like but seriously the attention this girl has had over it all is just mental and how many people go sick a day and go out like Jon of you have ever done that lol.
    I thank you for giving her your attention to know you know her name brilliant famous for calling in sick wow just wow

  7. Anonymous at 21.58-defending the indefensible.
    My eyes hurt reading that rant.

    1. Because you was there wasn’t you and you was at the hearing so you know exactly what was said lol seriously Iv read the hearing so I know the facts unlike you. So I’m not surprised your eyes hurt reading my rant lol maybe you should stop reading the paper and get ya eyes checked out, clearly you have a problem.

  8. "I thank you for giving her your attention..."

    Who called down that attention, exactly?

    "My eyes hurt reading that rant."

    It's always the same sort of punctuation and spelling and coherence, have you noticed? It's like trying to decipher hieroglyphics without a chav Rosetta Stone.

    "...clearly you have a problem."

    Hmmm, I don't think we are the ones with the problem.😏
