Saturday 5 November 2022

"We're Shocked, SHOCKED..."

" find religion going on in here!"
The row flared on Sunday when the priest gave an outspoken homily at St Mary’s church in Listowel in his native County Kerry, reportedly causing dozens of people to walk out.
The bishop of Kerry, Raymond Browne, apologised and said Sheehy’s views did not “represent the Christian position”.

Now, I'm no bible-basher but even I know there's something in there about unrepentant sinning... 

However, the priest confirmed his view in radio interviews. Asked if he thought Varakdar and other gay politicians who supported gay and abortion rights would go to hell, he replied: “Absolutely.” Tim points out, this comes as a shock why? 

Sheehy is now retired and delivered the homily in Listowel while covering for a parish priest who was away.

I'm betting he won't get asked again! 


  1. Thus proving that religion follows social attitudes rather than social attitudes following religion. Who knew?

  2. As that is the view of the church for the last couple of thousand years, only just now being watered down by woke priest many of whom are gay and child molesters anyway then is just shows that the parishioners are pretty much modern parishioners and only follow the rules they like.

    It's been obvious for some time but this is another bit of evidence even religion is woke.

    But funnily enough only in the West.

  3. "Thus proving that religion follows social attitudes rather than social attitudes following religion. Who knew?"

    Well, quite!

    "...the parishioners are pretty much modern parishioners and only follow the rules they like."

    And I suspect that's not an attitude confined to an hour on Sunday sitting in a pew either...
