Saturday 5 November 2022

They're Like Buses... wait ages for unsuitable police hires and then two come along all at once

A Met Police officer and beauty queen has been thrown out of the force after a cannabis farm and Class A drugs were found at her home and old address.
PC Rasvinder Agalliu, 47, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to supply the drugs after police searched her two London properties in 2020. Officers raided her house on June 25, 2020, where they found Class A drugs, drugs paraphernalia, a large quantity of cash and a Metropolitan Police radio.


The former PC, who was based at the Met's Central West Command Unit, was not charged with drug offences but was found to have breached the Met's standards of professional behaviour.

Wait, what..? Why not? 

The misconduct panel also found she breached the force's standards on respect of honesty and integrity, discreditable conduct, duties and responsibilities and orders and instructions.

Maybe some of those who decided not to charge her with anything should be considering whether they too have breached those... 


  1. Beauty queen? Must have had a hard paper round.

  2. Professional Misconduct? Absolutely right, if she was sufficiently professional she would know how to stay out of sight of the law. Useless copper, inept criminal.

  3. "Class A drugs, drugs paraphernalia, a large quantity of cash and a Metropolitan Police radio."

    Liked working with children and wanted to see the world...

  4. She will now have a lot more time to concentrate on her "modelling career".

  5. "Beauty queen? Must have had a hard paper round."


    "Liked working with children and wanted to see the world..."


    "She will now have a lot more time to concentrate on her "modelling career"."

    I think that ship has sailed...
