Monday 5 December 2022

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"

Well, not this chap, not any more...

In a statement, Suella Braverman said: “I have accepted Michael Lockwood’s resignation as director general of the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).
“I took immediate action upon being made aware that Mr Lockwood was the subject of a police investigation into an historic allegation, and instructed my officials to ask him to resign or face immediate suspension from his role.
“Home Office staff are working at pace with the IOPC’s unitary board to put in place temporary arrangements for the organisation’s leadership.

Nice to know they can move quickly when they want to, eh? 


  1. Yes, and only under investigation for a crime. Who is his replacement? I think he/she did something that I would like investigated.

  2. Under investigation? He hasn't even been charged yet, let alone convicted.


  3. I like this comment I saw recently: Innocent until speculated Guilty.

  4. I really don't care if he's innocent or guilty. I just hope the investigation takes years,is very incompetent, evidence is supressed, and if found to be innocent he's investigated over and over again until the "correct" result is obtained.
    Then he will know what the police suffer under his watch.


  5. @decnine
    But presumably La Braverman (or a substitute) will have asked him if it's true that there is a skeleton in his cupboard. He was also given the choice of resign or be suspended. If he was going to tough it out he would not have resigned.

  6. Is it just me or when you read “historical allegations” do you immediately assume “some woman (or lefty tw*t, or am I repeating myself) wants to score some points, make some money or get revenge for some imagined issue”? [Hint: If you wait ten or twenty years to report (make up) a crime, then I automatically assume you’re a lying piece of cr*p with an agenda, who 'should' be shot on sight].

    Be honest, have there ever been any ‘allegations’ made about all the people we all know are perverts, criminals and scum? Nope, it’s the nobodies, the failures and ‘convenient’ easy targets that can take the flak away from the real guilty person(s) [call me deluded if you will, but I still see the Saville and celebrity accusations as distraction from the heat the mus lims were getting – and as “look, it isn’t just us” excuse].

    I’m no fan (far from it) of the typical jobsworth, woke idiots at the IOPC but … does the fact my immediate reaction was to start wondering what the real story, that they are trying to distract us from noticing, is (and who he ‘upset’ to be thrown under the bus). Does this make me a bad person, or just someone who lives in the real world?

  7. "Yes, and only under investigation for a crime. Who is his replacement?"

    I don't think it'll be someone better, somehow...

    "I like this comment I saw recently: Innocent until speculated Guilty."


    "Then he will know what the police suffer under his watch."

    Too late. The incoming head needs to know this, not him.

    "Is it just me or when you read “historical allegations” do you immediately assume “some woman (or lefty tw*t, or am I repeating myself) wants to score some points..."

    Every. Single. Time.
