Monday 5 December 2022

Tone Deaf Policing...

This was the infamous episode where a man chased two burglars who broke into his house, who then crashed. And of course, the police treated him as the criminal. 

They haven't - of course! - provided any more information at all. They've simply sought to justify their position, which is 'leave it to the police'. 

Which people would be happy to do, if the idle bastards could be trusted to do the job they are paid for...

H/T: Melindi Scott via Twitter


  1. The lesson to be learnt here is that the police are not your friends. A law-abiding life and conduct manifestly in defence of your person and/or property is not a slam-dunk get-out clause in a criminal investigaion. In the event the case isn't closed immediately the only person known to the police with any certainty is you and you're number 1 on the suspect list. This is particularly so if the actual criminal is injured in the commission of his crime or, as in this case, in the attempt by the victim (Mr White) to apprehend the scrotes.

    It can't be stated often enough that the less you say, the safer you are from police mendacity. BTW I didn't see in the programe whether or not Mr White was offered the services of a solicitor (or access to a phone to get one). If he did, what was the solicitor doing, allowing Mr White to say more that "no comment"? If he did have a solicitor present, I assume he was the one taking copious notes and letting Mr White enter into a "friendly" conversation with the police: not a great defence lawyer obviously!

  2. I watched this programme with a sense of doom as it got nearer the end. A decent man taking on two absolute scumbags gets put in prison whilst they walk (or hobble )free.
    I hope the two criminals suffer a lifetime of pain as a reminder of what vermin they actually are.
    Re the comment above-the householder arrested would have had 100% been offered a solicitor.

  3. A trifle harsh but I must echo WC Jaded's sentiment. I hope each uniformed criminal guilty of arresting a noble citizen who was doing no more than serve all honest folk, suffer a lifetime of pain.

  4. "The lesson to be learnt here is that the police are not your friends. "

    I learned that reading 'Nightjack's' sadly missed blog.

    "I watched this programme with a sense of doom as it got nearer the end."

    It's always how I approach these shows, Jaded...

    "A trifle harsh but I must echo WC Jaded's sentiment."

    Well, it is nearly Christmas...
