Thursday 15 December 2022

"The police came out and said it wasn’t a criminal offence."

But we have had ongoing issues with these dogs. The only reason the police came out was because they received several calls from people and there were quite a few people in the street. There were a lot of witnesses.
"It’s disgusting that not one person in authority can do anything. The dogs should be taken away.”

Let the merry-go-round of blame shifting begin! 

A spokesman for Luton Council said: “We have an agreed protocol with Beds Police whereby such matters would be referred to them.”
Inspector Mo Nasar from the Luton community policing team said: “We have received two reports this month in connection to dangerous dogs in Beverley Road, Luton. In the second incident on Thursday (24 November) a cat was sadly killed.
“We know how emotive crimes involving pets are. While we cannot investigate animal on animal attacks (Ed: liar, I see, Mo?), we always encourage people to pursue civil action if they wish to.

What does the DDA say again, Mo?

Funny how other forces can act, and yours can't... 

“Following this incident specialist officers also issued a community protection notice to put restrictions on the owner of the dogs in this case and we will take action if these conditions are not adhered to.”

By which time it will be too late. Again. Is it any wonder the people plagued by these mutt are beginning to take the law into their own hands? 

A spokesperson for the RSPCA said: “We send our heartfelt condolences to the owner of this kitten following this really upsetting incident.
“Dog owners have a legal responsibility under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 to keep their dog under control in a public place. This legislation is enforced by the police and our officer has reported this sad matter to them.”

Worse than useless. 

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